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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 It Was My Fault 

I remember.Troy answered quietly

The first time Imogen had been rumored to be a mistress, Troy hadn’t clarified it for her. However, she had been injured in a car accident and couldn’t see out of her eyes and hid the pregnancy from him, so that’s when he agreed to her one condition

Do you know what I was thinking at that time?Imogen reminisced in a lost state of mind. I was thinking that we would get divorced sooner or later, and I couldn’t hide my pregnancy, so I wanted you to give up the custody. I wanted the baby! That’s why I didn’t even use the condition when I wanted a divorce the mostbut” 

Imogen sobbed and couldn’t say the last word

She didn’t have another chance to use that condition

Imogen’s offhanded words were like daggers stabbing deep into Troy’s heart. She was a clear reminder to him of everything he had ever done

It turned out that she was already planning for her and the baby at that time

But he was busy defending Sarah’s career and didn’t understand her aggravation

Without waiting for Troy to speak, Imogen added, Do you know what Sarah’s fans said when I was called a mistress? He said he cursed me for not being able to have kids for the rest of my life. Haha. Her curse took effect.” 

It was my fault. I shouldn’t have craved everything I had with you. The time Sarah burned. herself, when you broke with me rather than see her, and I was robbed and nearly lost my baby. That’s when God reminded me that I should give you up. It was my fault. I don’t learn from my mistakes, and I deserve to be cursed!” 

Imogen was tearing up, laughing, and crying at the same time

She looked insane

Troy looked at her deeply with grief in his heart

It turned out that she had even been robbed that time after he had left with his harsh words, but she never gave him a word about it

He couldn’t imagine how helplessly she endured all this… 

All that Imogen had gone through was because of him

If he hadn’t listened to Charlene and let it be revealed that he and Sarah were once in a relationship, and let the media report on the rumors of them getting back together, Imogen wouldn’t have been abused as a mistress later on

He seemed to have squashed the news for Imogen, but the curses were always there

Imogen wouldn’t have gotten hurt so much if he hadn’t been hesitant and indulged Sarah too much

Riley was right. What he owed Sarah shouldn’t be Imogen’s responsibility

She didn’t owe Sarah anything

She was the most innocent person

But he was the worst victim

When I close my eyes now, my mind goes to a little baby crying and asking why I didn’t want him. I was not a good Mom. My willfulness and selfishness killed my child!” Imogen whimpered, and 

her eyes blurred with fears

Imogen, it’s all my fault. Everything is my fault!Hearing Imogen’s words of selfblame, Troy’s heart ached so much that he couldn’t breathe

He wiped the teardrops from Imogen’s eyes with his hand. I inquired about Gracehaven Church being able to transcend the dead. If you want, we can go and pray for our child to dispel the darkness and light the way to the afterlife. Consider it the only thing we can do for our child as parents.” 

Imogen stopped her tears. She looked at him with teary eyes. She asked carefully after a while, Will my child forgive me?” 

Yes. Our child will surely forgive you. You can also pray for your father, if you want.” 

When are we going?Trogen wiped her tears

Let’s have dinner first. We’ll go as soon as you’ve gotten well.” 

Imogen wiped the tears from her face and said with a grimace, When we get back from praying, let’s go to Courthouse and get divorced.” 

Troy paused for a moment as his heart strangled internally. Okay. Let’s get divorced. Let’s get divorced.” 

Meanwhile, the major shareholders of Marshall Group gathered in the top floor conference room

Even though it was a shareholdersmeeting, it was actually not much different from the last board meeting in terms of personnel

All the shareholders are here, and they seem to be calm on the surface, but their hearts are already turbulent

They were not concerned about the cause of Henry’s death but the distribution of the company’s shares after his death

Marshall Group was different from a typical public company. It was a family business, which meant that the selection of the chairman of the board was a simple formality. The position of chairman would normally be taken by the person who owned the largest number of shares in the Marshall family

The family business also meant that there was a majority of shares within the family, leaving only about thirty percent of the shares to the outside, including broken lots


the remaining seventy percent, ten percent was held by Aaron, ten percent by Emily, and five percent each by Troy and Leo

The distribution of Henry’s forty percent was crucial in determining who would be the next chairman of the group

The chairman was the real leader of the group, almost deciding the direction of the company’s development and the interests of the shareholders

Moreover, since the replacement of the president and the death of Henry, the stock had fallen even more severely than before. Even though the person in charge of the speech came out and said that the replacement of the president would not affect the company’s strategic planning, it didn’t have much effect

Therefore, they were counting on the selection of the chairman of the board to be finalized, as it could ease the emotions of the shareholders and stop the decline of the stock

At this time, Emily would also participate in the shareholdersmeeting by way of video conferencing

As soon as the video was connected, Emily looked directly at Leo. She said contemptuously, Leo, I’m really impressed with your skillful tactics. If it wasn’t for the company releasing the official email, I wouldn’t even know that the president has changed!” 

Everyone knew that among the three nephews, Leo, Troy, and Nicolas, Emily liked Troy the most. Emily had one hundred percent support for Troy’s proposals in the past

Leo smiled. “Emily, why do you say that? It’s all just the board’s decision.” 

Ten minutes later, Layla appeared in the conference room along with Henry’s attorney

After a few simple greetings, the shareholders were already impatient

The attorney directly began to make the announcement. I now proceed to announce the will of Mr. Henry Marshall, chairman of the board of directors. His will includes bank deposits, real estate, frontage and land, transportation, shares of Marshall Group and other business plants. Only the issue of the distribution of shares of Marshall Group will be published here.” 

The result of the distribution of the estate is as follows. For forty percent of the shares in the name of Henry Marshall, thirty percent to his wife, Mrs. Layla Marshall, and ten percent to his second grandson, Troy Marshall, and other property to be divided as otherwise provided herein. The will has been notarized in the office of a notary public and may be examined by those who are in doubt.” 


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