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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 158


Chapter 158 How Much Did She Once Like Him 

From the back seat, two people got off. One was Jarvis, and the other was Steve

Troy didn’t turn them away but invited them into his study for coffee

After some pleasantries, Jarvis announced the decisions from the shareholdersmeeting

Upon hearing, Troy remained calm and gracefully poured coffee, subtly indicating that he had no immediate plans to return to the Marshall Group

There were two reasons. First, after the death of his grandfather, Henry, and the subsequent miscarriage of his wife, Imogen. Troy was deeply affected and needed time to recover. He didn’t have the energy to deal with company affairs

Second, as mentioned before, Troy disagreed with the philosophy of broad. Moreover, with Leo currently in the chairman position, he didn’t want to compete with his brother

Jarvis and Steve exchanged helpless glances, drank coffee, and left

However, with the chairman’s position vacant, the shareholders grew restless daily

Later, Steve visited two more times, but to no avail

Imogen stayed in the hospital for five days. On the fifth day, Charlie visited her

Charlie comforted her, reminding her that life wasn’t just about having children. “They’re just a part of life, not the entirety. Family can influence our lives, but they can’t dictate it. We live for ourselves, not for others.” 

That’s how Charlie’s parents raised her

Charlie felt fortunate to grow up in a welloff and openminded family

However, Charlie knew that her upbringing was different from Imogen’s. Imogen’s early experiences made her value the limited familial bonds she had. Charlie didn’t expect Imogen to understand all at once

By the way, when are you planning to divorce that dimwit?Charlie asked. After I recovered and returned from Gracehaven Church.Imogen replied

And after the divorce? Have you thought about what you’ll do?” 

Imogen shook her head, lost in thought

Imogen realized that she didn’t know how to move forward without the company, the child, and after the divorce

Charlie suggested, After divorcing that dimwit, he should give you a significant amount of money, right? You won’t need to work. You can do what you like, adopt a cat, watch a series, or travel. Do you have any hobbies? Honestly, many people would envy you.” 


Imogen pondered but couldn’t think of any

In the past, her studies consumed most of her time.” 

Imogen worked hard to catch up with a man she admired, even if she could only ever see his back.” 

Back then, not long after her father passed away, Imogen was eager to find an emotional anchor. Driven by that naive and persistent young girl’s feelings, Imogen got admitted to that toptier 

university and became his junior.” 

This is not enough.” 

In order to have more topics in common with him, she chose a major in the same faculty as Troy.” 

Imogen studied hard, aiming to join the Marshall Group on her own merits, to earn the praise of Troy, work alongside him, and witness his spirited and impressive demeanor.” 

Later, work took up most of her life.

Imogen strived to stand out in all projects, just to catch his eye.” 

A single word of praise from Troy could make Imogen elated for half a day, even in her dreams she would be smiling.” 

Later, when Imogen married Troy, she was overjoyed. Knowing Troy didn’t love her, Imogen tried her best to accommodate him and worked hard to maintain their marriage.” 

Troy has occupied most of her life and attention for the past ten years.” 

Troy would never know how much Imogen once liked him

Now, removing him from her life left Imogen feeling lost

Exactly, what are your hobbies or interests? You can develop them further. For instance, my passion is makeup. I love seeing various faces transform into different styles under

What about you? What do you like?” 

Imogen shook her head. I don’t know.” 


Alright then, no rush. You can take your time to think. After your divorce, let’s go on a trip first to clear our minds!” 


Yes.Charlie nodded thoughtfully, You and me. Maybe Alex if he’s free.” 

Imogen thought momentarily, unsure of what she would do in the future, and agreed, “Okay.” 

Then I’ll start planning our trip. Let’s see where’s best to travel in the winter.” 

On the sixth day, Imogen returned home to recuperate until her confinement ended

Sue took meticulous care of her

Troy still lived in the villa, but whenever the two met, they remained silent

The once close couple now had nothing to say to each other

Troy gradually appeared less and less in front of Imogen

Imogen often sat on the main bedroom balcony, basking in the sun all day

The winter sun was warm and gentle, very comfortable

That evening, when Troy returned, he saw Imogen still sitting on the balcony, gazing into the distance, lost in thought

Ever since she lost the child, she had become incredibly silent

The following day, Imogen was awakened by the sound of an animal at the door

The soft cries were hard to distinguish, whether from a kitten or a puppy

Unable to resist, Imogen opened the door to find a goldenwhite kitten with round eyes crying out 

in hunger

Imogen’s heart softened for a moment, wanting to take it downstairs for food. However, after a few steps, the kitten remained still, tilting its head to look at her

Imogen had no choice but to return, tentatively carrying the kitten downstairs, where she ran into Sue coming out of the kitchen

Sue, where’s the cat food?” 

Imogen guessed how the kitten had arrived, thinking that Troy must have brought some cat food

Mrs. Marshall, why are you out of bed?” 

I’m fine, but this kitten is a bit hungry.” 

Oh? Where did this kitten come from? It’s so cute!” 

Is there any cat food?” 

Sue shook her head, looking around the living room. No.” 

Imogen was speechless

Troy brought the cat but didn’t buy cat food

Sue suggested, Should I go buy some? However, I don’t think any place nearby sells cat food.” 


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