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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 160


Chapter 160 He No Longer Had This Opportunity 

As they exited the hall, they were greeted by a cold wind carrying a scattering of white flakes. It was snowing

Imogen looked up at the sky

Troy looked at Imogen. Should we head back now?” 

Imogen glanced at the sky. The snowfall was intensifying. Driving on the highway might not be very safe

Let’s stay here for the night. We can head back tomorrow when the snow has stopped.Okay.” 

Troy took off his coat and draped it over Imogen’s shoulders. Just as Imogen was about to refuse, Troy said, You’ve recently given birth. You need to take care of your health.” 


You don’t need to thank me…” 

Troy wanted to say, You’re my wife. It’s what I should do.” 

But in the end, he couldn’t bring himself to say those words

They had been married for three years, and he had over a thousand days and nights to call her his wife

It was just that he never did

Now he no longer had that chance

How Troy wished that this heavy snowfall could continue forever, never coming to an end

Then, they would remain here forever, never returning to that place that had caused her so much 


They also wouldn’t get divorced

However, hope was just hope

The snow stopped in the evening

The next day, they embarked on their journey back

As they exited the highway, Imogen said, Let’s go back and get our documents, then head straight to the Courthouse!” 

She glanced at her watch and said, We still have an hour left, which should be enough.Even though he had long known her intentions, hearing these words still caused a tremor in Troy’s heart. It felt like something was blocking him, leaving him no way to relieve the pressure. At this moment, his emotions were asicy and biting as the weather outside, chilling him to the bone, just like the coldness of a snowy landscape

He gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white from the intensity. His throat felt as if it were filled with sand, hoarse and painful. With difficulty, he managed to speak


The two of them returned to the villa, retrieved their documents, and got back into the car. Troy started the car slowly and drove towards the Courthouse

It was extremely quiet in the car

Imogen looked out of the car window at the receding street scene. Memories from the past three years flashed through her mind like a fleeting glimpse

She gazed at her reflection in the glass as if seeing that sixteenyearold Imogen again, whose eyes held only Troy

The twentyfiveyearold Imogen smiled at the sixteenyearold Imogen and said, I’ve tried my best, but he just doesn’t love me. You wouldn’t blame me for that, would you?” 

Suddenly, the car came to a stop

Imogen snapped out of her thoughts, looked at the road ahead, and asked, Is there a traffic jam?Troy glanced at Imogen through the rearview mirror and answered, Yeah.” 

Seeing Imogen still looking out the window, Troy closed his eyes, and a ridiculous thought flashed through his mind

At this point, he had no other way to go and didn’t care if his thought was absurd

He discreetly picked up his phone and sent a message to Lane

Soon, Troy received a call from Lane

Troy pressed the answer button and put on a show. Hey, what’s the matter? Okay, I got it” 

After ending the call, Troy looked in the rearview mirror and met Imogen’s gaze. A hint of apology appeared in his eyes. I’m sorry, Imogen. I can’t go to the Courthouse right now. There’s an urgent matter at the company” 

Haven’t you already resigned?” 

Grandpa’s will was announced, and the corporation held a shareholdersmeeting to confirm me as the chairman of the board” 

Imogen was momentarily surprised, then quickly regained her composure and said


He was finally able to break free from her and be with the one he loved. Furthermore, he achieved success in his career

Is the matter that urgent? Can’t it wait a little longer?Imogen asked

No, I’m afraid not.Troy looked at her regretfully. Every minute delayed could result in losses of millions, even billions of dollars.” 

For a brief moment, Troy even wished Imogen was a fullfledged gold digger

So, as long as he had money, she would never leave him

Unfortunately, Imogen wasn’t like that

If Imogen were that kind of person, perhaps Troy wouldn’t have fallen in love with her either. Imogen lowered her gaze, thinking, and said, Let’s do it in the afternoon. When will you be available?” 

I’m not sure.Troy replied with vague uncertainty

Then you can head to the company, and I’ll wait for you at the coffee shop downstairs.” 


you sure you want to wait for me?” 

Troy was about to suggest driving Imogen back home, but then he realized that the timing for dropping her off at home was similar to going to the Courthouse. He quickly swallowed the words that were on the tip of his tongue

Longer Had This Opportunity 

Sure. I don’t have much to do anyway.” 

Okay.Troy cleared his throat, feeling a mixture of bitterness and regret as Imogen remained resolute about the divorce

Even though he was the one who proposed the divorce, he now found himself reluctant about it. Troy dropped Imogen off at the coffee shop across from the Marshall Building and hesitated again. It’s almost noon. Why don’t you come with me to the office and take a break in the lounge?Imogen shook her head and said, No need, I’ve already resigned. It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to show up at the office again.” 

A shadow crossed over Troy’s eyes, so dark that it seemed as if it could well 

up with tears. Their relationship was public now, but she was reluctant to appear with him at the company 


He fondly reminisced when they used to go for morning runs together, have breakfast together, and commute to the office side by side

That’s fine.Troy ordered coffee and dessert for Imogen, gazing at her momentarily before reluctantly leaving the coffee shop

Imogen sat in the corner of the coffee shop, sipping her coffee lightly. 

After about half an hour, a blueclad rider arrived with food in hand at the coffee shop entrance, calling out, Who’s Imogen? Your husband ordered takeout for you!” 

All the customers in the coffee shop turned their attention to the blueclad rider at the entrance, and then their gazes collectively shifted around the interior of the coffee shop

Hearing the voice, Imogen stood up, walked to the entrance to retrieve the takeout, and said, It’s me, thank you.” 

The blueclad rider glanced at Imogen, finding her somewhat similar to the description the person on the phone had given him. He handed over the takeout to her and said, Enjoy your 


Imogen returned to her seat and opened the takeout packaging

Imogen and Troy often had lunch together at the company, and he knew what she liked. He had ordered her favorite foods

The other customers averted their gaze as Imogen returned to her seat

Some resumed their normal activities of sipping coffee and enjoying their desserts

Some started to whisper to each other

After all, it was right across from Marshall Building, so it’s not surprising that there were people who had heard about Imogen and Troy

Facing those various gazes, Imogen ignored them indifferently

The executive office of the Marshall Building across the street was even more spacious and welllit than the CEO’s office. A large floortoceiling window facing the street almost encompassed the entire cityscape. Of course, it also provided a clear view of the coffee shop opposite. However, being on such a high floor, Troy had brought a pair of binoculars to get a closer look

He watched as Imogen finished her lunch and sat quietly in the coffee shop, waiting

An indescribable anxiety welled up in Troy’s heart

What should he do

Chapter 160 He No Longer Had This Opportunity 


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