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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 164


Chapter 164 Everything Had Been a Lie 

No need. The previous divorce agreement still stands. The Galaxy Villa is yours. I’ll move out,Troy said indifferently, though his heart ached deeply

Imogen shook her head. You can have it back. If you don’t want it, I’ll just list it with an agent to sell.” 

Back when they had signed the divorce papers, she had wanted this villa

Everywhere within its walls held memories of their three years together. She wanted to keep it, to reminisce about those moments, and she didn’t want Sarah to take it over

But now, she no longer desired the villa. Past memories only brought her pain and regret. Since she had decided to let go, she might as well abandon everything from the past

Hearing her say this, Troy felt as if he’d been drenched with ice water. A heavy weight pressed down on his chest, making it hard to breathe

She really wanted to sell the villa where they lived together for three years without leaving any memories behind

She wanted to get rid of him just like that

I should leave now.Imogen grabbed her bag and left the hospital room

Troy closed his eyes and lay back, powerless. It felt as if a piece of his heart had been brutally ripped out. The pain was so intense that his entire body felt numb, as if caught in a cold wind

She was gone

He would no longer have a valid excuse to see her

Unless he schemed and plotted, their meetings would become rare

It would be just like any other divorced couple. Each lived their separate lives without interference

Troy’s fists clenched involuntarily, the knuckles turning white, making a creaking sound

Back at the villa, Imogen began packing

She put her suitcase on the floor and, as she turned to get clothes from the wardrobe, a little cat jumped into the suitcase, meowing at her

Imogen patted Mochi’s head, and Mochi affectionately licked her fingers

Of course, Imogen intended to take Mochi with her. However, she planned to go on a trip soon and couldn’t bring Mochi along, so she decided to leave him at a pet hotel the next day

By the time she finished packing, including her father’s belongings, it was around 10 p.m. 

Holding Mochi, she stood at the top of the staircase, looking down

This was the place where she and Troy had lived together for three years. Every carefully arranged corner reflected her aspirations and desires for their future married life

When they had first moved in, she had been so joyous, optimistic, and hopeful

Postwedding life had some differences from her imagination, but she had been very content

They would wake up together every morning, go for a run, or he would work out at the she practiced yoga



She would choose his suits and ties for the next day and help him put them on before he left. 

She loved watching him in a suit. It accentuated his broad shoulders and lean figure. She admired him when he would speak at meetings, exuding control and leadership

She also loved watching him work at his desk, completely focused, reminding her of her father. But above all, she loved their intimate moments when he would lose himself, making her feel on cloud nine. Their sweatdrenched skins pressed closely together, and every time, her heart would race intensely for him

She was irresistibly lost in it

She thought, after over two years of harmonious living, that Troy had at least some affection for her

But Sarah’s return shattered her sweet dreams

Everything had been a lie

He had been playing a role, deceiving her for three whole years

The night before his business trip, he could still be intimate with her and ask her to wait for him. Meow” 

Mochi’s meow interrupted Imogen’s thoughts, pulling her out of her memories

Since she had already decided to move on, all those memories now belonged to the past

There was no need to reminisce

Imogen carried Mochi down the stairs

The next morning, as she was about to take Mochi to the pet hotel, she ran into Sue, who had returned

Sue, why are you back?Imogen asked

Lane came over. Mr. Marshall doesn’t need me to take care of him anymore,Sue replied with a smile, Mrs. Marshall, where are you taking Mochi?” 

Sue, he and I are divorced. Please don’t call me Mrs. Marshallanymore. I am about to go on a trip and was thinking of leaving Mochi at a pet hotel for a while.” 

Why not leave him here? Mochi is used to this place. Taking him to a pet hotel might upset him. He’s still so young.” 

Imogen looked hesitant. But this is his villa. Leaving Mochi here might not be appropriate.It’s fine. Mochi was brought home by Mr. Marshall. It’s okay for him to stay here for a few days. And this large villa won’t be sold immediately. Plus, I’m still here. If Mr. Marshall really sells the villa, I’ll take Mochi home with me. Mochi is familiar with me, and I really like him.” 

Leaving Mochi in Sue’s care seemed better than the pet hotel

After a pause, Imogen said, Thank you, Sue. Please take good care of Mochi.” 

Don’t worry, Ms. Forbes. I’ll make sure Mochi is wellfed and happy.” 

Imogen then made another trip to the Marshall villa


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