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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 172


Chapter 172 Let Him Pay the Price 

There are several doubts about this matter. The first point is that Ms. Forbes has a good friend there. That woman is her old classmate and has contacted her since she returned to the country. But Ms. Forbes treated her indifferently as if she didn’t know her

Second is that I didn’t find Ms. Forbesdelivery records. My subordinate checked it in all the hospitals and clinics there, including the hospitals in neighbouring cities. Either she went to a city farther away to have the operation or her delivery records were deliberately wiped out by 


Another point is that Ms. Forbes asked for a long sick leave. It should be reflected on the report card. After she came back, she exchanged the credits. All subjects were excellent without any abnormalities.” 

After Lane finished reporting, Troy didn’t speak for a long time

Until Lane was a little anxious and reminded, Mr. Marshall?” 

Continue to investigate. I don’t want anyone else to know about this.” 

Yes. I understand.” 

Troy hung up the phone, threw the phone on the bedside table, and stretched out his hand to tease Mochi

Mochi was too young. It held Troy’s fingers and bit them with its deciduous teeth. It was like a tickle to Troy

Troy closed his eyes and recalled what Lane had said. Suddenly, an incredible guess flashed in his mind. “Imogen doesn’t know that she has given birth to a child

Or, for some reason, she forgot what happened while studying abroad!” 

Therefore, she didn’t mention her experience of studying abroad as if there was no such thing. Therefore, she was strange to the friends she met abroad

She gave up that child to marry him because she didn’t know the existence of the child at all

So, her reaction to her pregnancy this time was like the first time

Troy pinched the centre of his brows, knowing Imogen hadn’t deliberately concealed it. He finally felt some comfort in his heart

But he didn’t get the answer to that question. Who was that man?! 

His intuition told him that the man wasn’t the president of the Foreigners Association or Imogen’s classmate

Who wiped out all these traces

Was it that man

Where was that child

Why did Imogen forget about her experience when she was studying abroad

However, since she had forgotten these things, it was best not to remember them forever

As for the child, Troy would secretly look for it

If the child was dead, it was the best result

If the child was still alive, Troy would let him stay abroad forever and never appear in front of Imogen

At this time, he received some messages. The notification sounded several times in a row. Troy opened his Facebook and found some photos sent by Yann

He checked one photo

The photo was taken in the ski resort. In the picture, two people in ski suits stood the bright sunlight. It was taken from afar. It could be seen that they were a man and a woman from their figures. The man put his hand on the woman’s waist in an intimate gesture

Yann would not send photos to Troy for no reason. Troy had already guessed the identity of the woman in these photos

Blue veins stood out on his forehead

He swiped left and saw the second photo

The man held the woman’s shoulders and lowered his head slightly as if kissing her forehead. Troy watched all the photos with a gloomy face. His deep eyes were full of coldness

Yann also sent him a message: [I didn’t expect Ms. Forbes to have a new boyfriend just after the divorce!

Yann. [That man is a college student, three years younger than Ms. Forbes. He talked to her sweetly.

Yann: [I heard that they even made an appointment to watch the aurora at night. How romantic is it?! Young people are excited at night again…] 

Yann. [By the way, they live in the same hotel!

Troy was furious when he thought about what might happen between Imogen and that young man at night. His face turned livid in an instant

He stared at the man in the photo with hostility in his 


Erik would have died countless times if Troy’s gazes could kill people through a network cable. Yann. It’s said that the best way to get out of the last relationship is to start a new one. I think Ms. Forbes has made up her mind!

Troy gritted his teeth. While feeling angry, he also felt a little upset and jealous

That feeling stuck in his throat like a pill, making his mouth bitter and uncomfortable

Imogen had broken free from the prison of her last relationship and started a new one

But Troy was still stuck in the same place, watching her back intently and hoping she could turn around and return to his side

But Imogen was so disappointed in him that she wouldn’t turn around again

Troy knew well that she would never forgive him again. But he wouldn’t let her 

  1. go

He replied to Yann. [You must do everything possible to stop them at all costs! I will go to Norway immediately!

If Erik dared to touch Imogen, Troy would definitely make him pay 

the price

Yann replied quickly. [Okay.

Yann. [I’ll ask someone to delay the time. Hurry up.

Troy immediately called Lane, Book the latest flight to Tromso for me!” 


Lane was not surprised by such a result

Compared with the past, Troy cared more about the future. He would not care about what had happened in the past. It was just like when someone made a mistake at work. Instead of panicking and making excuses, Troy hoped that employees could get rid of their distracting thoughts and find ways to make up for the loss

Troy couldn’t accept Imogen’s matter for a while but would figure it out himself in a few days

After all, it was a matter of the past. That matter had happened, and it could not be changed or erased

Since he couldn’t let go of Imogen, he could only accept its existence

Imogen’s past was not important. The important thing was that her future belonged to Troy


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