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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 177


Chapter 177 She Dreamt of Him 

Charlie didn’t know that Troy was nearby, so she specifically ordered a few bottles of white wine

To be honest, even though Imogen was with us the past few days, she has been in a gloomy mood, not interested in anything. But now she’s finally letting loose. Come on, let’s have a good drink today, celebrating Imogen’s successful divorce and her regaining her singlehood!” 

Cheers! We will drink until we drop!” 

Imogen poured herself a glass of wine with a smile. Then I’ll accompany you to the end!” 

The three of them chatted, downing one glass of wine after another

Charlie got a little tipsy and began speaking without a filter, ImogenhicI’ve known for a long time that Troy is no good. How could you endure him for so long? If it were me, I would’ve kicked him out a long time ago and used the money I got after breaking up with him to give myself a treat. Isn’t that great? Come on, let me show you something precious. Shhdon’t tell anyone. I haven’tshown these to anyone else” 

In a drunken haze, Charlie opened the encrypted photo album on her phone. Look, they’re all photos of male influencers that I’ve collected with great effort. Look at this guy. He has such huge pectorals. His chest is even bigger than mineAnd this one, look at his curves. Fuck, he’s really wellendowedAnd this one, this is the sexiest butt I’ve ever seenThere are so many 

of them, so I’m sure there’s one who you’ll like. As for that dimwit, he can just go stand in the corner!” 

Charlie went through each photo, becoming bolder with her words

Imogen’s face turned slightly red, while Alex seemed quite interested

Imogen was drawn over out of curiosity, but for some reason, every time she looked at a photo, she involuntarily compared it to Troy

For example, Troy’s chest muscles were firm and sturdy, while his length wasShe would just say that he wasn’t lacking in that department. As for Troy’s backside…. 

Imogen’s face 

grew even redder, and she shook her head to dispel those inappropriate thoughts

After looking at so many men’s photos, she still felt that Troy was the most perfect

Some men in the photos were too bulky with a hulking physique, while some were too skinny with no aesthetic appeal to their muscles, whereas Troy’s body was just right

There were also those with similar bodies to Troy’s, but their appearance couldn’t match his. Although she promised herself to forget him, tipsy as she was, she couldn’t control herself

That person’s face kept appearing in her mind again and again. She tried to drive the thoughts away, but it was futile

Thus, she figured that getting completely drunk would be the solution

Only when she was thoroughly intoxicated could she stop thinking about him

She considered that her final tribute to her tenyearlong unrequited love for Troy

However, they didn’t know that Troy, who was hanging around, started sulking upon hearing them

Charlie suddenly felt a chilly atmosphere around her, murmuring, Aren’t we supposed to have heating? Why do I feel a bit cold?” 

As she spoke, she returned to the main topic. How about we go to a random bar tonight to find someone to get laid? The guys here are quite impressive. I bet you’ll forget that dimwit completely


Troy’s face got solemn when he heard that

Luckily, he heard Imogen say, Hmmthat might not be a good idea” 

She wasn’t really up to the idea and was also concerned about the risk of sexually transmitted diseases

Troy seemed to be feeling better after that

Charlie didn’t bring it up again, and the three of them continued to drink and chat, focusing on the pictures on Charlie’s phone

Imogen got dizzy from drinking and had an inkling that she shouldn’t drink more. Otherwise, she might just pass out.. 

She figured that being cautious was better, especially when in a foreign country

She reminded Charlie and Alex to take a cab back together

In the car, Imogen felt drowsy and almost fell asleep

Back in the room, Imogen eagerly collapsed onto the bed and fell into a deep sleep

The room fell silent, and there was nothing but silence in the dark space

Suddenly, a creaking sound broke the tranquility as the door opened and then closed again

Troy arrived at Imogen’s bedside, quietly sitting down

In the moonlight, he greedily admired Imogen’s sleeping face

At that moment, he finally had the chance to gaze upon her openly, without any restraints

He really missed her

Troy gently reached out and touched her cheek, then leaned down to kiss her forehead. He unabashedly breathed in her fragrance, although all he could smell was alcohol

What a drunkard!He thought, pinching Imogen’s nose

Luckily, she didn’t agree to go to the bar. Otherwise, he didn’t dare to think about what he might have done

With the heater on in the room, Imogen was still wearing a thick coat. Starting to feel hot and sweaty, she hummed to indicate her discomfort, subconsciously pulling at her clothes

Troy unzipped her jacket and took it off her, then helped her out of her sweater and thick leggings

The thermal underwear she wore was the last layer of clothing that remained

Her face was rosy, but he wasn’t sure if it was due to the alcohol or the heat. Her lips slightly 

parted, revealing her white teeth as she unconsciously let out a soft moan

The snug thermal underwear outlined her enticing curves, making her even more enchanting and irresistible

Initially, Troy had no ulterior motives. He just wanted her to feel more comfortable

However, his breathing grew heavy, and his mouth was dry, his eyes glued to her as his mind went 


Her occasional moans only added fuel to the fire, the sounds making him swell with desire

Imogen rolled over unconsciously, exposing her alluring curves fully



Chapter 177 She Dreamt of Him 

Troy held his breath, finally unable to restrain himself any longer. He flipped Imogen over and leaned down, capturing her alluring rosy lips with a kiss, effortlessly delving inside

The sweet taste of wine met his tongue, a sensation he had missed for a long time. Troy couldn’t help but lose himself in it, indulging in the delightful flavor of her


Imogen’s face grew even redder, and she began to struggle for breath. Due to discomfort, she opened her eyes and nudged the person on top of her. Troy?” 

Troy’s body tensed, and he quickly opened his eyes, meeting Imogen’s gaze from close range

He didn’t expect Imogen to wake up and was about to explain

But before he could say anything, he saw Imogen close her eyes again and mutter, Why am I dreaming of you? I really don’t want to dream of you” 

At her words, Troy’s face turned livid

She doesn’t want to dream of me? Then who does she want to dream of? Liam? Or Erik? Or perhaps the man who fathered her child?He thought

Troy ground his teeth in anger and frustration. Seeing that Imogen was about to say something else, he lowered his head and covered her plump lips with his own. He kissed her hungrily, biting and sucking her lips, his tongue stirring her mouth as he sucked the air out of her


His scorching breath brushed against Imogen’s face, making her feel even hotter. She unconsciously pulled at her own clothes

Her collar was pulled lower, exposing her plump and alluring cleavage

By that point, Troy was maddened by lust. As memories of their copulation during the past three years flashed through his mind, his member that had been lying dormant rose its head

He kissed Imogen’s cheek, then playfully sucked and nibbled on her sensitive, fair earlobe

Imogen let out a soft moan and trembled all over

Troy’s scorching lips moved to her neck, sliding downward, trailing gently over her collarbone and chest. Then, he lifted her clothes…. 

Imogen let out a hum out of discomfort, muttering unconsciously, Serene, don’t bite” 

Troy’s body tensed as he raised his head and asked in a deep voice, Who’s Serene?” 

Serene was definitely a girl’s name

Troy was certain that Imogen didn’t have a friend named Serene

Thinking back to the scene just now, Troy suspected that Serene was the child that Imogen had given birth to

Imogen was still asleep. Pouting, she didn’t respond to his question

Troy was unwilling to give up. He leaned over to Imogen’s ear and asked softly, Imogen, who is Serene?” 

Who is SereneImogen whispered softly

Yes, who is Serene?” 

Serene is” 

Imogen paused halfway through her sentence before suddenly clutching her forehead and curling up in pain. On her face was an agonized expression as she moaned in discomfort. My head hurts so much!-It’s so painful!” 


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