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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 198


Chapter 198 The Antidote 

Jeremy suddenly found himself wide awake

Wasn’t it Charlie who had taken Imogen out of the tent

Jeremy was filled with regret, chastising himself for letting someone take Imogen away from him so easily

The person who sneaked into Imogen’s tent in the middle of the night definitely had malicious intentions, perhaps even similar to his own

Everything he had done was now benefiting someone else

Had he stopped Imogen and framed that person for drugging her, perhaps she would have been so touched that she’d choose to be with him

He had missed such a great opportunity, and Jeremy was filled with remorse

The tour guide peeked into the open tent and, as expected, it was empty. Did she take her phone with her?” 


Imogen’s phone was still lying in the tent

Could she have gone to the woods to use the bathroom?the tour guide speculated

The driver and some other people also gathered around

A man tried to console, Let’s not panic. Let’s wait here for a bit. If she doesn’t return in ten minutes, we can go search.” 

Jeremy then chimed in with his own perspective, Her phone is here. Could she have mistakenly gone to a different tent after coming back from the bathroom?” 


person who took Imogen had to be from their tour group. He had discreetly counted and everyone was present. This meant Imogen must be hidden in a tent

The tour guide suggested, Let’s first check the tents, maybe she entered the wrong one.” 

Everyone began to help, each inspecting their own tent. After a thorough check, everyone shook their heads

Jeremy was too nervous to speak

Had that person hidden Imogen in the woods

Or was that person not part of their group, but rather a local resident or another tourist

Quite a few minutes had passed. She should have returned if she had just gone to the bathroom. Charlie was anxious, What do we do? How could she just disappear?” 

Could she have accidentally fallen while going to the bathroom?someone guessed

The tour guide thought for a moment and then suggested, Alright, you all rest here. A few of us will go search in the woods.” 

The tour guide, the driver, a man, and three young individuals, including Charlie, volunteered to search

After searching for over half an hour without any luck, they concluded that it was unlikely Imogen would have ventured so far just to use the bathroom

Charlie, on the verge of tears, suggested, Should we call the police?” 


The tour guide, sensing the gravity of the situation and feeling responsible, agreed, Let’s call the police.” 

Just then, Charlie’s phone rang. She glanced at the screen and saw dimwitdisplayed

She quickly answered the call, anxiously saying, Hello, dimwit… Troy, Imogen’s missing!She’s with me.Troy’s deep voice came through, sounding as if he was holding back something. Charlie let out a sigh of relief, then frowned, demanding, What happened?” 

Listen to me,Troy began, Imogen was drugged. You need to call the police now and keep any food she consumed. Don’t worry, she’s safe with me.” 

Even though Charlie immensely disliked Troy, she couldn’t deny the relief she felt when he assured her of Imogen’s safety

She ended the call and instructed the tour guide to inform the police

When Troy mentioned that someone had drugged Imogen, Charlie cautiously observed the reactions of everyone present

Upon hearing about calling the police, Jeremy’s face changed subtly, and he discreetly moved towards the campfire

Charlie noticed his movements and quietly took her original seat next to the campfire, where Imogen’s used dishes, glass, and beer were placed

Seeing this, Jeremy was filled with urgency but dared not approach further

He reassured himself, believing the police might not be able to find any evidence

There were many tourists on the Great Ocean Road, and each small town along the way had its own visitor center

The Apollo Bay visitor center was not far from their location, so the police arrived quickly

At this moment, aboard the helicopter, Imogen clung to Troy like an octopus

So hot” 

She murmured softly, slipping her hand inside Troy’s shirt, caressing his firm muscles. Mmmso comfortable… 

But it wasn’t enough for her

Unconsciously, she began tearing at Troy’s shirt. The top two buttons of his shirt popped open, and Imogen pressed her face against his chest

The person Troy yearned for was in his embrace, and her delicate body writhing. He couldn’t help himself, feeling a surge of desire from deep within, wishing he could take her right then and there

But recalling Imogen’s tearful accusations from the day before, he dared not cross that line while she was not fully conscious. He feared hurting her, feared she would resent him even more

Just now, witnessing the scene in the tent, Troy felt like he was about to explode in anger. Had it not been for his rationality reminding him that Imogen couldn’t wait, he might have torn Jeremy apart right there

Heartless as she was, always pushing him away, he didn’t dare to think what might have happened had he not been present

Imogen’s hand began to wander again

She’s being mischievous again

A vein throbbed on Troy’s forehead, his expression full of restraint. He grabbed Imogen’s arm and whispered, Imogen, be good, we’ll be at the hospital soon.” 

She hummed softly, twisting her body uncomfortably

Troy stiffened

Imogen’s soft hand managed to escape his grip, and she began to touch him without restraint. At 

the same time, her other hand started to tear at her own clothing. HotI’m so hotIt’s unbearable” 

It was summer, and she wasn’t wearing much to begin with. As she tugged, her dress revealed more than intended


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