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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 206


Chapter 206 The Private Detective 

Imogen returned to her apartment and put the pet carrier on the floor

As Mochi was unfamiliar with the environment, it huddled in the carrier and dared not come out, carefully observing the surrounding environment through the hole

Imogen took out cat treats and squeezed out a little at the door of the carrier

Mochi sniffed, raised its tail up, and poked its head cautiously

Mochi relaxed a little, perhaps because it was familiar with Imogen. It lowered its head and gobbled the cat treats in a few seconds

After eating, it licked the floor and sniffed. Without finding the food, it looked up at Imogen. Mew” 

Imogen’s heart softened. She brought over the cat bowl and squeezed all the cat treats into it. Mochi ate it with relish and licked the bowl clean

It raised its head, looked at the new environment around it, and explored carefully

At nine o’clock in the evening, when Charlie came back, Mochi was familiar with the apartment and could walk around in the living room

Hearing the sound of the door opening, it rushed under the table

Charlie was taken aback. Did a big mouse run past me?” 

Imogen burst into laughter. What are you talking about? It’s Mochi!” 

The cute kitten!Charlie threw her bag on the sofa, knelt on the ground, looked under the table, and met Mochi’s eyes

Charlie’s eyes lit up. It’s so cute, little cat! Come out! Let me hold you!” 

Mochi poked its head under the table, not daring to come out

Imogen got up, brought over the canned cat food, and handed it to Charlie

Charlie immediately opened it, took out the freezedried cat food, put it in her palm, and stretched her arm to the bottom of the table. Sweetie, come and eat. It’s delicious!” 

Mochi still refused to come out

Charlie was tired of kneeling. She put the food on the floor at the edge of the table, stood up, and collapsed on the sofa. Did that dimwit come to pester you again?” 

Imogen responded and met Charlie’s worried eyes. She said, Don’t worry. I won’t be soft this time. He said let me treat him to three meals. If he pesters me again, I will immigrate after my dad’s 

business is done.” 

Anyway, she was alone and had no one to care about, so she could go anywhere

She didn’t believe Troy could still pester her after she immigrated

By the way, I’ve asked my friend. He knows a capable private detective. I will give his Facebook account to you.” 


Charlie took out her phone and gave Imogen the detective’s Facebook account

His avatar was all black, with a white circle in the middle. There was an eye in the circle, staring straight at Imogen. That kind of weird feeling sent a chill down her spine

His Facebook name was Prophet

Imogen immediately added the detective on Facebook

He passed the application very quickly

Imogen immediately sent a message. [Imogen.

Prophet: [Noah Dawson.

Imogen: II heard from my friend that you are a powerful detective. Do you have time to come out tomorrow and have a chat?

[Yes. When are you available?

[Nine o’clock in the morning tomorrow. See you at the coffee shop on Chester Street.

[No problem.

[See you tomorrow.

Imogen teased Mochi for a while, carried it to the litter box, and taught it the way. She fed it some food and then carried it into the cat’s nest before having a rest

Mochi probably felt insecure and didn’t want to sleep in the cat’s nest, so it got on the bed with its paws hooked on the sheets

When Imogen saw it, the sheet was already scratched by its sharp claws

As its legs were too short, it couldn’t get on the bed

Imogen lifted the quilt and went to bed, allowing Mochi to walk on the bed. Then, she turned off the lights and went to bed

At 8:30 the next morning, she fed Mochi some food, gave him a ring, and went out

At 8:50, Imogen arrived at the coffee shop. She glanced at the phone screen, found a remote place to sit down, and sent a message to Noah. [I’m here.

Noah replied quickly. [I’ll be there in a few minutes.

About seven or eight minutes later, a man came into the coffee shop when it was almost nine o’clock. He was about thirty years old with a brown leather jacket and overalls on his lower body. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses. His hair was a little long, as if he didn’t have a haircut for long time

The man stopped at the door of the coffee shop and looked around

Imogen looked over and met his eyes

The man walked directly towards Imogen, pulled away the chair opposite Imogen, and sat down. Ms. Forbes?” 

Mr. Dawson?” 

It’s me.Noah nodded. He took off his sunglasses and put them aside

Imogen looked at him up and down. Mr. Dawson, what would you like to drink?” 

To be honest, Imogen couldn’t believe the messy man in front of her was the one who had that weird profile on Facebook

Cappuccino, thank you,Noah leaned back in his chair and said casually

Imogen called a waiter and ordered a cappuccino

After the waiter left, Imogen looked at Noah and asked with a smile, Mr. Dawson, how 



Chapter 206 The Private Detective 

years have you been in this business?” 

About ten years.” 


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