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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 35



Chapter 35.1: Angelic Bitch 

At 6 pm, Imogen efficiently wrapped up her work, ensuring all loose ends were tied up before she headed to the underground garage to meet Troy

Shortly afterward, Troy met Imogen in the underground garage, and they hopped into a waiting car that took them to a luxurious private styling studio

Once at the studio, Imogen indulged in professional makeup and styling sessions. After the transformation, she stepped into the changing room and emerged holding a beautiful skirt, her eyes shining confidently and excitedly

Meanwhile, Troy had completed his modeling session and was relaxing on a plush sofa, patiently awaiting Imogens grand reveal. As the door opened, he glanced up, only to be captivated by her stunning appearance

Imogen’s makeup was impeccable, with peach blossom eyes that seemed to dance with delight. Her lips, adorned with lipstick in a matching hue to her eye shadow, exuded warmth and allure, leaving Troy enchanted by her presence

Her hairstyle was naturally elegant, gracefully cascading in loose waves with slight curls on both sides, accentuating her lovely face shape. Imogen looked radiant in a waterblue offshoulder long dress, revealing her delicate shoulders and showcasing her fair and porcelain complexion. Approaching Troy, she playfully circled around him, seeking his opinion. Is this design okay?Troy nodded in approval but noticed the high heels she was wearing. Your ankle might get uncomfortable in those. Let’s switch to flats,” 

Considering her pregnancy, Imogen thought for a moment before agreeing, It’s okay.Troy waved to the staff, requesting a pair of flat heels that would complement her outfit

On the other hand, Imogen sat gracefully on the sofa and bent down to take off her shoes. Ever the gentleman, Troy squatted in front of her, offering assistance. Carefully and attentively, he 

removed her high heels one by one and replaced them with comfortable flats

As he looked up, Imogen found herself captivated by Troys elegant and serious expression, especially the smooth profile of his face

With her shoes now changed, Troy took her arm and said, Let’s go.” 

This is my first time attending such an event, so please let me know if there are any specific protocols or rules,Imogen said as she confidently linked her arm with Troys

Troy responded, Don’t worry, but these banquets can be quite tedious. However, there will be jewelry auctions at the charity dinner, and if you find them intriguing, do tell me.” 

Okay,Imogen agreed with a nod

As they arrived at the banquet venue, they walked together arm in arm, gracefully crossing the red carpet and entering the interior of the venue

It’s quite rare to see Mr. Marshall here,commented a couple nearby. 

Yes, Mr. Marshall seems interested in this event,another person remarked

A few welldressed gentlemen and their companions warmly welcomed them, and Troy exchanged pleasantries with them

One man, noticing Imogen beside Troy, smiled ambiguously and asked, Mr. Marshall, who is this charming lady?” 


This is Imogen, my sister,Troy replied

Imogen greeted the people around her with a friendly smile

The man complimented her, saying, Ah, Miss Forbes, I’ve heard about you for some time now. Finally, we have the pleasure of meeting you

Miss Forbes, you should attend these gatherings more often,another person added warmly. After exchanging pleasantries with a few acquaintances, Troy leaned in and whispered into Imogen s ear, I see a few friends over there. I’ll go and say hello. Feel free to enjoy the food and sit in that area for a while if you get bored. I’ll join you when the auction begins.” 

Okay,Imogen nodded in agreement

Imogen made her way to the dessert section, carefully selecting a delectable treat, and then poured herself a cup of ine before settling down in the designated rest area. While enjoying her dessert, she discreetly observed the attendees at the dinner party

The guests at the event were all wellknown figures and celebrities from the city, many with influential backgrounds

Being new to this kind of gathering, Imogen was fully aware of her position. As she wasn’t the biological daughter of the Marshall family and hadn’t grown up with them, she knew that while they might show politeness on the surface, some might not hold her in high regard deep down. Imogen noticed how her interactions with Troy’s friends were different from theirs. She always felt a sense of distance, unlike the camaraderie and easy laughter they shared among themselves

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Chapter 15.2: Angelic Bitch 

Chapter 35.2: Angelic Bitch 

While others were part of the same circle, Imogen often felt like an outsider, except for Riley, who seemed to make her feel more at ease

A fashionable woman approached Imogen and greeted her, Hey, why are you sitting here. alone?” 

Imogen looked up with a gentle smile and replied, I injured my foot a few days ago, so I can’t stand for extended periods.” 

The woman, Amanda, took a quick glance at Imogen’s ankle but didn’t comment on it. Instead, she sat down beside Imogen and playfully nudged her with her elbow. I’m Amanda. What’s your name?” 

I’m Imogen,she replied politely

Leaning closer, Amanda whispered, I saw you coming in with Troy. How did you manage to catch up with him?” 


Imogen turned her head to look at Amanda, sizing her up with a careful eye. Amanda’s outfit appeared expensive at first glance, but it seemed somewhat outdated upon closer inspection. Her bag belonged to a niche brand but was an older version

As Imogen remained silent, Amanda continued, You must have cost Troy a fortune to be here with you. Aren’t they usually hard to win over?” 

I don’t know,Imogen replied calmly

Don’t be so coy. Can you give me some tips? My man is so stingy; bringing me to this dinner took him forever. I was already fed up with him long before this.” 

Imogen replied, I dont know what youre saying,before excusing herself. She stood up, holding her cup and dessert, and found another seat

Amanda snorted with disdain at Imogen’s response

Inside the banquet hall, more people continued to arrive. As Imogen casually glanced around, she caught sight of a familiar faceSarah. She had also attended the charity dinner

Suddenly, a male voice interrupted Imogens thoughts as Liam sat down beside her

Surprised to see him, Imogen asked, Why did you come here too?” 

The agent asked me to attend. I didn’t expect to find you here. How’s your foot injury?Liam inquired

It’s getting better,Imogen replied

That’s good to hear. Are you here alone?Liam asked

I came with Mr. Marshall,Imogen explained

Liam raised an eyebrow and commented, I just saw Sarah and thought she came with Troy. Am I right?” 


Imogen followed Liam’s gaze and saw Sarah talking to Troy with a gentle smile on his face. They looked like a talented and compatible couple. Imogen felt a pang in her heart and turned pale

quickly changing the subject. When does filming for Cloudwater City start? When will you join the crew? If I have the time, I might visit you.” 

Realizing her mistake, she remembered that Sarah was the female lead in Cloudwater City. Liam took her words seriously and replied with a smile, I will join the team at the end of this month


Chapter 35.2: Angelic Bitch 

and you must visit me.” 

Certainly,Imogen replied absentmindedly


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