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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38.1 Irreparable 

Chapter 38.1 Irreparable 

Troy’s face stiffened, and his lips tightened, displaying his displeasure. She genuinely liked Liam, enough to break her own principles for him. Is there anything else?Imogen asked, trying to maintain her composure. What did you do last night?Troy inquired

I don’t need to explain to you,Imogen replied firmly, throwing back the words Troy had once said to her

Troy furrowed his brows and rubbed the center of his forehead, emphasizing, Imogen, don’t be impulsive.” 

Imogen seemed to be blinded by love, not even willing to listen to what he had to say. Despite his concern for her happiness, he firmly believed that Liam was not the right person for her. Why am I so impulsive?Imogen retorted

I care about you. Liam may not be the right person for you. I hope you seriously consider it and don’t make hasty decisions that could be irreparable,Troy implored

Did you mean having an affair with him?Imogen raised her eyebrows

Troy fell silent

Before walking away, Imogen sneered, Before we officially divorced, I did not have an affair with anyone. It’s you who was unfaithful to me, right?” 

Troy could not utter any words

Her grandparents, simple and authentic farmers, and her father, a righteous journalist, instilled certain values in her from a young age. When she came to the Marshall Company at the age of sixteen, her basic concepts had already formed. These simple principles made it impossible for Imogen to engage in affairs or marital infidelity

For her, morality was meant to restrain ordinary people, not the wealthy elite. Such affairs were not uncommon in this circle, but Imogen’s upbringing made it clear that she wouldn’t be part of 

  1. it

Imogen turned around. As she walked away, Troy looked at the closed glass door, feeling a mix of anger and amusement. Imogen’s words had stung him, especially her allusion to his own infidelity

She knew he was a different person from his parents and wouldn’t repeat their mistakes. The internal phone rang, interrupting their conversation

Troy composed himself, sat up straight, picked up the microphone, and placed it by his ear. What’s the matter?he asked

Mr. Marshall, do you have time now? Atty. Malonzo would like to confirm the terms of the contract with Koch Holdings,Mr. Jordan said from the other end of the line

Troy checked his watch and replied, Let him in.” 


Atty. Malonzo entered the office, holding a folder, and greeted Troy, Mr. Marshall.” 

Sit down,Troy gestured to the chair opposite him

Okay, Mr. Marshall, I have a few questions about the cooperation agreement with Koch Holdings,” 



Chapter 38.1 Irreparable 

Atty. Malonzo began, going through the points one by one

Troy patiently provided his answers

Suddenly, Atty. Malonzo’s phone rang. He hesitated but saw that it was from the police station

Troy closed his pen and said, Take it.” 

Atty. Malonzo excused himself and answered the call. The police officer on the other end informed him that they had retrieved surveillance footage from the dinner, showing that Imogen had a brief conversation with the suspect Amanda before falling into the water. Amanda claimed that Imogen had argued with her and insulted her, leading to the impulsive act of pushing Imogen. They asked if it was convenient for Imogen to come to the police station to give a statement, and if not, they could send someone to the hospital

Atty. Malonzo assured them that Imogen was fine and that he would immediately inform her to go to the police station

After hanging up, Atty. Malonzo returned to Troy, apologizing, I’m sorry, Mr. Marshall, there’s something personal that came up. Let’s continue.” 

It’s okay. I heard Imogen’s name. Is there a problem?Troy asked, trying to appear casual, but his concern was evident in his eyes

Atty. Malonzo knew that relationship between Troy and Imogen. He explained, Yesterday, Director Forbes went to a charity dinner and was pushed into the swimming pool by someone unknown. She was in the hospital last night, so she asked me to help her go to the police station to deal with it. The police officers have already caught the suspect and asked her to go to the police station to give a statement.” 

Troy nodded and gestured towards the files on the desktop, saying, Let’s continue.” 

As they resumed their discussion, Atty. Malonzo went through the documents and neatly placed them in a folder. Mr. Marshall, I will be heading out now,he said

All right,Troy replied

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Chapter 38.2 Irreparable 

Chapter 38.2 Irreparable 

As soon as the lawyer left, Troy promptly headed to Imogen’s office. As soon as he arrived, he knocked on the door

Come in,Imogen said, focused on her work

Troy entered, and Imogen was so engrossed in her task that she didn’t even raise her head at first. After a moment, she looked up and saw him standing in front of her desk

Mr. Marshall, why are you here?she asked

Troy looked at her and said, Atty. Malonzo told me to inform you to go to the police station to give 

a statement.” 

Oh, I see. I’ll go as soon as I’m done here. Is there anything else?Imogen inquired

Why didn’t you tell me what happened?Troy asked, with a concerned tone in his voice. Imogen raised her head and calmly replied, It’s not a big deal, there’s no need to talk about it.Imogen,Troy said with a frown

What?she responded

I care about you, why are you so distant?Troy expressed his feelings

Last night, you and Sarah left without a word. You had time to call me, notify me, and care about me, but you didn’t. I’m fine now, what’s the use of your concern?Imogen expressed her frustration

She felt like nothing more than a pet to Troy, only remembered when he was bored or needed something

Imogen remembered Amanda’s remark: a guy like Troy should spend a lot of money on her. Suddenly, she had an answer. After three years of marriage, she earned three million dollars, two villas was it worth it? Working for three years had secured her future

Troy remained silent, understanding the weight of her words

There was a palpable silence in the office

Troy straightened his collar and sat down on the sofa. I’m sorry. Did you get hurt last night?Imogen shook her head and replied, No.” 

Troy began to explain, Yesterday, Sarah suddenly fell ill.” 

But he paused midway, refraining from sharing more details

Imogen’s eyes shifted as she recalled the medical case she had seen at home. Was there something more serious going on with Sarah

However, she couldn’t find any unusual information about Sarah from the photos on Instagram she had seen yesterday

Let’s go, I’ll accompany you to the police station.Troy offered

No, I can handle it myself,” Imogen insisted

But Troy persisted, I’ll accompany you.Imogen was left with no choice. She knew Troy well. He would surely insist on what he wanted

They left the office together and headed towards the elevator


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