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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 I Don’t Like Her 

Imogen felt her heart twinge as she noticed Sarah by Troy’s side. She quickly looked away and reached out to touch Charlie, seeking comfort

Charlie also spotted them standing not far away, and her smile immediately vanished, replaced by a disdainful expression

Approaching them, they exchanged greetings. Hello, Troy,Imogen said with a nod

Imogen was supposed to meet Troy, but then she saw him with Sarah

Imogen, Charlie,Sarah appeared surprised and hurriedly explained, I’m sorry, I didn’t know Troy and I” 

Troy observed Sarah’s cautious expression and recalled her gentle and calm demeanor when they first met, which now seemed lost due to her knowledge of his marriage. He felt a pang of sorrow 

for her

Imogen interrupted, saying, It’s alright, Sarah. We understand. Let’s take a walk and leave you 

two be.” 

Imogen tried to lead Charlie away, but Charlie remained rooted and commented with a smile, Sarah, your makeup looks stunning today. Who did it for you?” 

Sarah looked puzzled and replied, I did it myself.” 

Impressive! Your makeup skills might even rival Miss Mira’s, don’t you think?Charlie remarked, but there was an undercurrent of sarcasm in her tone

Sarah’s face stiffened, and she forced a smile, pulling at the corner of her lips

If you believe your aesthetics are flawless, be careful not to dismiss othersopinions. Blind confidence can lead to mistakes, and you might end up blaming others for it,Charlie continued, seemingly enjoying her discomfort

Sarah turned pale and bit her lower lip, feeling the weight of Charlie’s words

Charlie finally turned away, taking Imogen’s hand as they walked off together, leaving Sarah behind with her thoughts

Imogen was well aware that Troy’s heart belonged to Sarah, not her. As Troy’s words reached her ears, she felt an agonizing pain, as if her heart was being torn apart, cracked into pieces, and left bleeding on the ground

Troy had once promised to get a divorce certificate after his business trip, but upon his return, the topic was never mentioned again, and Imogen silently hoped to prolong the marriage, even wishing that Troy would forget about it altogether. However, she knew deep down that such fantasies were futile. Troy might not remember now, but eventually, reality would catch up, and they would have to face the inevitable

She had once wondered if Troy would have loved her if it weren’t for Sarah, but now she knew the painful truth even without Sarah, Troy wouldn’t have loved her. She was just another person to him, replaceable and insignificant

As she stood lost in her thoughts, a salesperson approached her, offering a card that had fallen. Imogen thanked them and then decided to leave. She walked out of the store, and Troy noticed her departure, feeling a twinge of discomfort in his heart

Troy, what are you looking at?Sarah asked, noticing his distant gaze

It’s nothing,Troy replied, shaking his head, unsure of his own emotions


Chapter 41 I Don’t Like Her 

Imogen took a deep breath, clutching the black card in her hand, and approached Charlie. Charlie, let’s go somewhere else.” 

The two of them continued their shopping spree on the fourth floor, buying bags and jewelry. After strolling around, they found a restaurant on the fifth floor for lunch and later watched a movie on the sixth floor. They spent the afternoon together until the evening when they had. dinner together

Amidst the laughter and distractions, Imogen tried to mask the pain in her heart, cherishing the time she could spend with Charlie, her true companion and source of comfort

Marie’s request, they decided to have a hot pot for dinner. As Imogen washed the meat slices, her mind wandered off, causing her to accidentally spill some hot soup onto her hand. Strangely, she seemed numb to the pain

Imogen, Imogen! Why are you so careless?Charlie hurriedly grabbed napkins to help her clean 

  1. up

A red burn mark appeared on the back of Imogen’s hand

Does it hurt? Should we go to the hospital?Charlie asked, concerned

Imogen smiled and shook her head. It’s alright, I’ll just apply some ointment when we get back. Perplexed, Charlie muttered, What’s bothering you?” 

Just got lost in my thoughts for a moment. I’ll go get some cold water to rinse it in the restroom,Imogen replied calmly


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