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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49.1 Remarry Soon 

Imogen carefully explained the situation at that time

It is basically consistent with what the monitoring sees

The male police officer recorded what Imogen had said, Based on your speculation, it was intentionally done by the black and white cars. Are you sure you don’t know the black car driver?” 

And have you seen the white car driver’s appearance?the police added

No, he’s far behind me. When I changed lanes, I saw him twice in the rearview mirror but couldn’t see the driver’s face clearly from a distance.” 

I understand,” the policewoman comforted Imogen. Don’t worry; we are already trying to identify the suspect and arrest him. It shouldn’t take long.” 

There are surveillance cameras everywhere now, and it’s impossible to get anywhere

Thank you,Imogen said

You can contact your family now to pick you up. Your phone was not found at the scene of the car accident!” 

I didn’t bring my phone when I went out, the police officer. Can you please use your phone to make a call for me instead?” 

Sure, you can tell me the number.” 

In an instant, Imogen almost reported Troy’s number, but then she thought that Troy must still be accompanying Sarah now

A bitter smile appeared on Imogen’s lips, and in the end, she chose to call their servant

The phone was connected, and the police handed the phone over to Imogen. From the other end of the phone came the voice of the servant, who was confused, Hello, who is this?” 

Hey, it’s me.” 

Madam!The servant’s voice was pleasantly surprised. You went out without your phone. Why haven’t you come back yet?” 

I accidentally had a car accident. Please come to Mount West Hospital and help me bring my clothes and supplies for change. Also, my wallet is on the table in my room.” 

The servant was shocked and said, Madam, are you okay? Why did there be a car accident? I’m coming right now. I’m coming right now.” 

My ward number is” 

Ward 503 of Building 1 of the inpatient department,the police added

Okay, okay, I know. I’ll come right away.” 

Hanging up the phone, Imogen returned the phone to the policewoman, Thank you.” 

You’re welcome, and we’ll notify you when we catch the suspect.” 


The police have left

The doctor then came over for a checkup on Imogen, which was similar to what the female police officer had just said. Imogen specifically confirmed the child’s condition with the doctor

The doctor comforted Imogen that her injury was not too serious and had confirmed with

Chapter 49.1 Remarry Soon 

gynecologist that the medication would not affect the child

Imogen let go of her heart and said to the doctor, My aunt will come and handle the procedures for me later. She has a close relationship with my exhusband, and I hope the doctor doesn’t let her see my medical record or tell her that I’m pregnant. Thank you.” 

You’re pregnant. Won’t you tell your exhusband?” 

He will remarry soon.” 

The doctor couldn’t help but show sympathy on his face

The patient is so young and beautiful, and the child in her belly is only over a month old. As a result, her exhusband is about to remarry, which means he is cheating

His wife is so beautiful, and he’s cheating, scumbag

Okay,the doctor agrees 

Imogen lay alone on the hospital bed, idle

There are two other patients next to her in the ward

Imogen is in the middle position, just listening to them talking to their family

The elder sister in the bed inside has a benign tumor growing in her head. She has been operated on and is about to leave the hospital. Her family and her voice are all relaxed

The bed outside is an old woman with cerebral hemorrhage

Her daughterinlaw came to take care of her reluctantly, complaining, How much money does it cost just to be hospitalized these days? No matter how much money he earns, it can’t withstand this.” 

Imogen glanced at the daughterinlaw there but could only see a blur in front of her

There is someone at the door

Imogen raised her eyes and stared at the blurry black area for a long time, finally confirming that it was indeed a person wearing black clothes

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Chapter 49.2 Remarry Soon 

Chapter 49.2 Remarry Soon 

This should be a family member of one of the other two patients, right

But why is he standing at the door and not coming in

Imogen feels strange

The black figure started walking in

He bypassed the outermost hospital bed

Imogen now understands. He is the elder sister’s family inside, and he should be your elder sister’s husband

The black figure stopped in front of Imogen’s bed and took a few steps to sit by the bed

Imogen was startled and instinctively narrowed her eyes. However, no matter how much she squinted, her eyes were still blurry. She tried to identify the person in front of her and tentatively asked. Are youTroy?” 

It’s me, Imogen. What’s wrong with your eyes?Troy raised his hand to Imogen’s cheek and looked at the gauze wrapped around her forehead, asking anxiously

Imogen looked at him for a long time but didn’t speak, which made him feel strange

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Imogen finally confirmed that it was truly Troy. Blood accumulation in my head has compressed the optic nerve and blurred my vision.” 

Troy immediately reached out and shook his hand in front of Imogen, Can you see it?” 

Of course. I’m seeing things blurry, and I’m not blind.” 

How could there suddenly be a car accident?” 

Today is the anniversary of my grandfather’s death. I went to the cemetery, but when I came back, I met someone who ran into the car’s rear end.Imogen summarized in a few words before he had time to ask, Why are you here?” 

I was at home, and our servant said you had a car accident, so I came.” 

He came home this afternoon and heard that Imogen was driving to the cemetery. But it turned out to be dinner, and she hadn’t come back yet. He wants to make a phone call, but there’s no way. At that time, he also had some regrets about taking her phone away. Upon hearing that she had a car accident, he immediately drove over

When I came, the servant was still packing up and needed to come a little late. You wait here while I go to change the ward for you.” 

Okay,she is not used to living with others

Troy left the ward

The old lady’s daughterinlaw gossiped, Is this your exhusband, or have you found another one now?” 

My exhusband.” 

If he treated you quite well, why did he get divorced?” 

Is that good? When his mistress was sick, he was watching every day, though.” 

Oh, he is originally that kind of bad guy.” 


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