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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Do My Best 

Chapter 53 Do My Best 

Troy, what are you doing?” 

The sky had turned dark, and Layla spoke up, Waiting here won’t help. Imogen still has a wound on her head. Why don’t you go back with her? Leo will call you when your grandfather comes out of the operating room.” 

No.Imogen immediately refused, holding onto Layla’s arm. Grandma, I’m not going back. I want to wait here with you.” 

Regardless of what would happen to Henry, she wanted to be the first one to see him

Grandma, we’ll stay here with you,Troy added

Seeing their determination, Layla didn’t object further

After another two hours, the red light outside the operating room finally turned green

Imogen, Troy, Leo, and Layla all stood up and gathered at the door of the operating room, waiting for the doctors to come out

The doors of the operating room opened

Mr. Brooks, how is my grandfather?Troy asked immediately

His voice was hoarse and trembled slightly, betraying his efforts to remain composed

With tearful eyes, Imogen stared at Willard, her hands pressed together over her heart, praying

Willard removed his mask. The surgery was successful. He’ll be observed in the ICU for two days. If everything goes well, he’ll be moved to a regular room.” 

Imogen finally smiled. Tears streamed down her face as the weight that had been hanging over her heart lifted

Thank you, Mr. Brooks.” 

Next, Henry was wheeled into the ICU

Imogen looked at Henry, and his eyes closed, his face pale and lifeless. It hurt her so much to see him in this state

Just a few days ago, he was playing chess with her, lively and full of smiles. And now, in just a few days, he had become seriously ill

Imogen and the others followed Henry to the ICU

The doctor reminded them, The patient needs rest right now. Please be patient and don’t make loud noises.” 

Thank you, doctor,Layla said

No problem. If you need anything, just let us know. I’ll give you some space.” 

After the doctor left, Layla said, Now that your grandfather is fine, you can relax. You’ve been waiting here for so long. Why don’t you go home and have some rest?” 

Grandma, you’ve also been waiting here for so long. You should have some rest. You don’t want to get sick while Grandpa is recovering.” 

Imogen is right, Grandma. How about I take you back to rest? It might take some time for Grandpa to wake up. You should take care of yourself and come back to see him when he’s awake,Troy suggested

That’s right, Grandma. Grandpa hasn’t woken up yet. We’ll stay with him and go to your place to 


Chapter 53 Do My Best 

pick you up when he does,Leo added

Okay, then.” 

Well then, I’ll take you back, Grandma. Troy, you and Imogen stay here with Grandpa. I’ll come back as soon as I drop Grandma off.” 

No problem, Leo.” 

Inside the ward, only Imogen and Troy remained, surrounded by silence

It’s been a while, and you haven’t had dinner. I’ll ask someone to deliver something to eat for us.Troy said


Troy strode out of the award

He first went to Willard’s office

Willard was getting on in years, and after several hours of surgery, he looked tired. He was resting in his office when Troy knocked

Come in.” 

Willard rubbed his temples. Troy, it’s you. Do you need something?” 

Mr. Brooks, I want to ask about my grandfather’s condition. You can be frank with me. I came alone, so you don’t need to hide anything.” 

Willard sat up, and his expression serious. To be honest, Henry’s body suffered a lot when he was younger, and as he got older, even with the best care, his condition didn’t get any better. And he’s been taking immunesuppressing drugs for years, so his body can’t handle it anymore. Though the surgery was successful this time, the situation is still not compromising.” 

How much time does he have?” 

Willard lifted his gaze to Troy and held up three fingers. I can only give him about three months. Beyond that, it’s up to fate.” 

Troy’s body shook as if struck by a heavy hammer, the ache spreading through his organs

Three months

Grandpa only had three months left

Troy hoped that this was a joke, but he knew it wasn’t

But if even Willard, the top expert in the field, was helpless… 

Troy, I know you can’t accept this. But your grandfather is aware of his condition. He’s been prepared for a long time. He’s just most worried about you. I’ve also seen the news lately. Are you really going through a divorce with your wife?” 

Willard came forward, patting Troy’s shoulder. After all, she’s someone you’re meant to spend your life with. If things really can’t go on, even I can’t stop you from separating. But your grandfather only has this little time left. Can’t we let him leave this world peacefully?Troy’s eyes reddened, and he swallowed hard. I understand, Mr. Brooks. Thank you.Troy left with a heavy heart

He found a secluded place and slumped down, as motionless as a stone statue

Mrs. Marshall, Mr. Marshall sent me to bring you some food.” 

The driver walked in carrying a lunchbox and helped Imogen unpack it

Imogen asked. Where’s Troy?” 

I’m not sure. But Mr. Marshall didn’t take the car, so he’s probably still at the hospitalImages nodded

She believed that Troy was feeling equally frustrated about his grandfather’s condition. At this moment, he was likely finding a quiet place to gather his thoughts

Imogen didn’t have much appetite but thought about the baby in her womb Still, she managed to eat a few more

Troy returned from outside, his face appearing normal, though his eyes were dark and void of 


Troy, you haven’t eaten. Have something.” 

OkayTroy sat down

threw the trash in the bi 

ked up the cutlery, and had a simple meal. Then, he cleaned up and 

Your body hasn’t fully recovered, and you’ve been waiting here for so long. I’m afraid it’s too much for you. You go back to the ward and have some rest. I’ll stay here tonight. If Grandpa wastes up. I’ll let you know.” 


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