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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 63


Loved Your Enajny 

Chapter 63 He Didn’t Love Her 

Liam stepped forward and pulled off the mask. Sir Marshall and Madam Marshall, I send Imogen over here and then know that Sir Marshall is sick, so I come up to visit. Is Sir Marshall okay now?Thank you, good kid. It’s alright, don’t worry,Henry said with a smile

That’s good. Since Imogen has arrived here, I won’t stay any longer. I’ll leave first. Goodbye, Imogen. Goodbye, Sir Marshall and Madam Marshall. And goodbye, Mr. Marshall,Liam said as he put on his mask and left the ward

Imogen, your friend is very handsome, and he is a nice young man,Layla said with a smile

As Layla spoke, she secretly glanced at Troy

According to her many years of experience, Liam liked Imogen

It was just that Liam was more sensible than Sarah

Imogen didn’t understand the interior meaning of Layla’s words and echoed, Grandma, he’s a big star and many girls like him.” 

Really? How did you know each other?Layla asked

When I was young, he lived next to my house. He was my neighbor, but he moyed away later. I didn’t expect to meet again now,Imogen replied

That’s so fateful!Layla exclaimed, Are you childhood sweethearts?” 

Kind of, I think,” Imogen replied

Troy sat motionless on the sofa, but his face darkened

Imogen, you are tired from working all day long. Layla and I know you are a dutiful 

granddaughter. So go back now and have a good rest. Troy, you send Imogen back,Henry said

Going to workwas the excuse Troy gave her in front of Henry and Layla

Henry and Layla were not stupid. They knew it was an excuse. Troy brought Sarah over early in the morning, but Imogen didn’t come for a day. Looking at Imogen’s attitude of ignoring Troy just- now, it was apparent that the couple had another problem

Henry had no reason to intervene in everything, so he could only let the young people solve the problems by themselves

Grandpa, it’s okay. I’ll stay here with” 

Before Imogen finished speaking, Troy stood up and came to her side. Let’s go back.” 

Henry waved his hand and said, Go back and have a rest.” 

Imogen compressed her lips, she didn’t want to go back with Troy, but she had to follow Henry’s words and leave with Troy

After leaving the ward, the two walked toward the elevator one after the other without saying a word

The surroundings were quiet, only the sound of the elevator humming

The elevator stopped with a gentle ding, and its door slid open

Imogen and Troy went in one after another, and Troy pressed a floor number

The elevator then closed its doors and started moving

The atmosphere was silent and oppressive in the confined space of the elevator

As they reached the floor where Imogen stayed, the elevator doors slid open with a gentle ding.The two individuals stepped out of the elevator in succession

At the ward door, Imogen stopped, looked at Troy’s back, and said, You go back home tonight.” 

Her eyesight had almost recovered, there was no need for him to stay here, and Henry’s health had improved a lot, just keep the nurse to take care at night

Troy said nothing. He just pushed open the ward door and turned on the light

And then its light illuminated the entire ward

Why didn’t you answer my phone?Troy asked suddenly

The phone is out of battery and turned off,Imogen walked in, put her bag on the table, and said. casually

It was apparent that she was lying

Troy took two steps inside the ward, turned around, and looked at Imogen with his deep eyes. I’ve been looking for you all day today.” 

Imogen sat down on the sofa. I didn’t ask you to find me.” 

Troy said in a deep voice, Imogen, do you must insist on talking like this?” 

Imogen looked up at him. What am I talking about? Why are you looking for me? I’m an adult, and 1 know my way.” 

I’m afraid you’ll be overwhelmed,Troy explained

That’s so funny. How? I’m openminded. I don’t care about such stupid things,Imogen said. Troy looked into Imogen’s eyes, took a deep breath, and said softly, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about the things on Instagram. Sarah is” 

Is what?Seeing Troy stop talking, Imogen looked directly at him

Sarah is a public figure and cannot be involved in negative news,Troy explained

So, you mean that Sarah can’t be involved in the negative news, but I can?Imogen asked in a cold 


Imogen, by the time I learned about it, the matter was already a trending topic. The best way to deal with it is to reduce the intensity of public discourse. You know that remaining silent is the optimal solution,Troy explained

Hearing what Troy said, Imogen was speechless. How ridiculous

This matter began between Troy and Sarah, but in the end, it tarnished Imogen’s reputation and subjected her to blame and insults as the other womanby netizens. Yet, the man in front of her acted as though he had no option but to hurt her

The only reason Imogen could think of was that Troy still loved Sarah, not her

If his love for Imogen were genuine, he wouldn’t stand by and let her suffer unjustly. He should have spoken out against the negative news about Sarah instead of remaining silent and allowing netizens to harm his wife

But he didn’t. He knew Imogen had been wronged, and he chose to remain silent about all the negative news concerning his former beloved woman, allowing netizens to insult Imogen

Now that he had admitted clearly that he only cared about Sarah, it was no use of her to keep inquiry

He would continue to protect Sarah and just say sorry to Imogen

If Imogen quarreled with him, he would say she had no empathy and wanted to ruin Sarah’s 


Seeing Imogen was silent, Troy said again, Sorry, I didn’t expect some extreme fans to target you.Actually, he knew all the things. He had already known that someone sent Imogen a courier to threaten her. That was the warning sign

He just didn’t care about Imogen

He only cared about whether Sarah would be affected, and Imogen was not in his consideration at all

Troy, you said too much sorry to me, and it only proved that your apology was cheap. It will only make me feel bored and cloying,Imogen said as she calmly looked up at him

She swallowed all the negative emotions alone, so his apology to her now was nothing

He had apologized to her too many times lately

He couldn’t give her any other comfort but say sorry

Her ears were numb from hearing it

Troy’s face froze, and he lowered his eyes and said, What do you want?” 

You want to make it up to me?Imogen asked

Um,Troy answered

All right, then, you promise me one thing. But I haven’t figured it out yet, and I’ll tell you think it over. Don’t worry. It won’t be any conditions to separate you from Sarah,Imogen continued


In fact, Imogen had already thought about where this condition would be used, but she couldn’t tell him now


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