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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 68


Chapter 68 Sarah Always Ranks First 

Imogen looked 

up at him, feeling unbelievable

During her stay with the Marshall family, Troy treated her with a tepid attitude, neither estranged nor intimate. So why did he suddenly bring her a cake

Don’t like it?Seeing her expression, Troy asked

Imogen shook her head, then nodded hastily

How could she not like it

She had seen her classmates eat it. The cakes in this bakery were very costly. She was lucky enough to try matcha cake once, which was unforgettable

At that time, her father’s salary was enough to support the two, and her father was never stingy with Imogen. But the cakes in Afternoon Leisure Bakery were expensive for Imogen, who came. from an ordinary family

Whatever you like is fine.Troy smiled slightly, turned around, and went upstairs

Imogen sat dumbfounded, looking at the paper bag packaging in front of her, still in disbelief. She didn’t come back to her mind until Troy was about to go upstairs and shouted, Thank you, Troy.” 

Whether Troy sensed it or not, Imogen knew her voice was full of sweetness

For the first time, their conversation was more than simple greetings

It seemed that their relationship had taken a big step forward with this cake

She took the wrapping paper bag of the cake and looked again and again, her heart bubbling with satisfaction

Even the boring mathematics and physics homework became lovely to her at this moment. She put the cake beside her and told herself to finish her task quickly, so she would be able to eat the cake

On that day, not surprisingly, she finished her homework half an hour less than before. Then she carefully unwrapped the cake as if treating some rare treasure

After opening the package, she didn’t rush to eat it, but took out her mobile phone and took photos of it

But she was not satisfied with all the photos she had taken

Finally, she chose a qualified picture and posted it on Instagram with no text attached but a cake emoji

This showed her silent excitement

Her secret teenage feelings

Her most youthful and innocent love at that time

She felt the Black Forest cake from Afternoon Leisure Bakery was extraordinarily delicious, a -hundred times better than the matcha cake she had eaten

Later, she often bought Black Forest cake by herself from time to time, and gradually it became a habit

Instead of liking the cake in Afternoon Leisure Bakery, it was more like she wanted the person who bought it for her before

It was only today that she realized that the cake she received was abandoned by somebody else

~ 15-05 


Chapter 68 Sarah Always Ranks First 

The kindly feelings she had cherished for so many years were within reach of Sarah

Sarah always ranked first

Took Troy for an example. Only when Sarah broke up with him did she get to marry him

At 11:20 p.m., the gate of Galaxy Villa opened, and a Porsche Cayenne drove in

Sir is here.” 

The driver turned on the interior lights and looked into the back seats

Troy was leaning against the chair, eyes closed for meditation. Hearing this, he raised his hand and rubbed his brows. Then he opened his eyes, exited the car, and entered the house

The room was dark when he opened the door

Troy woke up and pressed the switch at the entrance, and the living room was suddenly bright with dazzling lights

There was no one in the living room, only the bright lights cast on his lonely figure

Troy stood in the living room, looked around a few times, and felt something was wrong

But he couldn’t tell what exactly was wrong

He entered the living room and poured himself warm water. When he walked out, he finally found 


The living room was always lit up when he came home after business socializing

Imogen sometimes watched television, swiped her mobile phone, or sometimes asleep on the sofa, waiting for him to come back and carry her to the primary bedroom to sleep together. He knew she was waiting for him to come back

On the day he returned from a business trip at the beginning of the month, Imogen was still sleeping on the sofa, waiting for him to return

But it never happened again after he filed for divorce. When he returned at night, the living room. was always dark and chilly

Sir, you are back.Sue heard the voice from the living room and came out to check


You have drunk. How about I cook you some hangover soup?” 

Go then.” 

Troy took a sip of water, sat on the sofa, leaned against it, closed his eyes, and rubbed his forehead wearily

After a while, Sue brought the hangover soup to the living room table and woke Troy up. Sir, drink it while it’s warm.” 

Alright,Troy opened his eyes and responded in a low voice, but he did not move

Seeing the hot hangover soup with smoking air, Sue went to the kitchen again and brought a plate of fresh fruit. Sir, if you don’t want to drink the hangover soup, you can eat this.” 

The fruits on the plate also had the effect of relieving hangovers

Thank you.” 

No trouble. I initially prepared these fruits for Mrs, Marshall. But she didn’t seem to have a good appetite today. She went upstairs without eating much and didn’t eat the fruit plate.” 


Chapter 68 Sarah Always Ranks First 

Troy paused slightly after hearing this. Is Mrs. Marshall’s stomach still not good?” 

It seems she is not feeling well and seems to have something on her mind.Sue reminded him. secretly

She knew that the couple had failed to divorce that day, and it should be Henry who intervened. But in any case, this marriage had a turning point.. 

She still hoped the couple could return to their previous harmony like they used to be

I see.Troy nodded, tasted a few mouthfuls of fruit, and went upstairs to rest

On the second day, when Troy came back from running, Imogen was already sitting in the dining room, and Sue was serving breakfast

Troy went upstairs, showered, dressed up, then returned and sat down in front of Imogen

Good morning.” 

Imogen didn’t look at him. Morning.” 

Then it fell silent, and the two ate their meals separately

After a while, Imogen put down her cutlery and stood up. first.” 

I’m finished. I’ll 


to the 


Troy also put down his cutlery. I’ve finished, too. I’ll go you.” 

Then the couple sat together in the back seat of the car

The driver drove quietly

The atmosphere in the carriage was silent

No one spoke

They talked less and less from a specific time

Neither of them was talkative, but Imogen would deliberately start the conversation with him in the past, making it less quiet


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