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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 8


Chapter 8: Bittersweet Generous 

Imogen took a deep, heavy swallow, suppressing the sourness that threatened to overwhelm her throat. But Sarah’s image doesn’t align with the product theme,she said. 

Troy shrugged, his tone resolute. That’s on you now. You have the means to make it work. This endorsement is crucial for Sarah, and you’ll have to oversee the entire process.” 

Numbness spread over Imogen, her face stiff and devoid of emotion. She struggled to comprehend the situation and how Troy could expect her to manage this delicate situation

Does he truly believe I’m just a robot, devoid of feelings?Imogen lamented internally. Doesn’t he understand how painful this is for me?” 

Okay. I will do my best,Imogen managed to say, her voice hoarse and strained, as if each word was an immense effort

In the restroom, Imogen felt the turmoil within her erupt. She retched repeatedly, but nothing- came out. She gently caressed her lower abdomen, seeking solace for herself and the tiny life growing within her

The mirror before her reflected a woman with a pale face and reddened eyes. Imogen splashed cold water on her face, attempting to regain composure

You can handle this. You’re strong, just like you promised your father, she reassured herself. ‘And now, you have another reason to be strongthe baby inside you.‘ 

Returning to her office, Imogen called Lyka to apologize and appease her. She arranged another endorsement for Xena with a smaller perfume brand, promising that Xena would be a priority for future opportunities. Only then did Lyka relent

Afterward, Imogen gathered her department staff for a meeting to discuss three potential options for Sarah’s endorsement. She also instructed her assistant to arrange a meeting with Sarah’s agent to finalize the details

The day proved exhausting, but Imogen refused to let herself falter. She focused on her tasks, determined to deliver the best results

Finally, she found herself alone in her office, looking wearily at the divorce agreement lying before her

She flipped through it briefly, her heart heavy with mixed emotions. Troy’s generous offer of two villas, two luxury cars, and three million dollars felt ironic, considering the circumstances

Bittersweet generosity,she thought, managing a bitter smile

The next day, Imogen hurried to the conference room, followed shortly by Henry, the Director of Operations, the Product Manager, the Chief Designer, and other staff members. However, after a few minutes, Sarah and her team had not yet arrived

Growing impatient, Imogen turned to her assistant and said, Go outside and contact Sarah’s agent. Urge them to hurry up.” 

Not long after, the assistant returned and reported, Ms. Forbes, I’ve urged them. They said they’ll be here soon.” 

The morning dragged on, and the Operations Director and others expressed dissatisfaction with the delay

Annoyed, Imogen turned to her assistant again and asked, What’s the phone number of Sarah’s agent? Send it to me.” 



Chapter 8: Bittersweet Generous 

Before the assistant could respond, a group of people finally entered the room through the door

Ms. Page. Mr. Marshall, why are you here too?asked one of the staff members, a hint of confusion in his voice

Sarah, wearing a stunning gooseyellow long dress, clung tightly to Troy’s arm. And Troy, dressed impeccably in a suit she had picked out for him earlier that morning

As the staff observed their intimate behavior, they exchanged knowing glances, seemingly understanding the rumors circulating for a long time. Sarah Page, the Movie Star, was Mr. Marshall’s first love, and the rumors appeared to hold some truth

Imogen felt a faint pain in her heart, but she clenched her fingers and composed herself. Mr. Marshall, Ms. Page, since you’re here, let’s start now,she said, trying to remain professional

Troy had once said that after their divorce, he would still treat her like a younger sister. But Imogen knew that former couples could never truly be friends. The emotions were too complex, and she couldn’t bear to witness the depth of love between Sarah and Troy. It was torture Imogén couldn’t endure. So, after the divorce, she decided to keep her distance from them

Sarah was pleasantly surprised to see Imogen and took her hand, saying, Imogen, you’re here 


Imogen glanced at Sarah’s hand, then discreetly withdrew her own, offering a faint nod in 



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