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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 81



Chapter 81 He Is in Good Shape 

At eight o’clock in the evening, Troy messaged Imogen: [Have you had dinner? Why aren’t you coming over?

Imogen checked the message and then turned off the screen

After a moment, her phone vibrated again, indicating another message

Imogen picked up her phone and saw Troy say in the message: [Reply to my message immediately

Or I’ll come to your room right now.

Imogen smiled as she typed back: [I’m not going tonight.

[Why? Why did you ignore me earlier?

[I didn’t see your message earlier. And I’m feeling tired tonight, so I don’t want to go.

That was an excuse

It was obvious

[Imogen, tell me the truth. Why?

[I was telling the truth. I need to rest.

After sending this message, Imogen held her phone and waited for a while, but Troy didn’t reply

She then put her phone down and lay on her bed, preparing to sleep. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, causing Imogen to startle

She had a gut feeling that the person knocking on the door was Troy

Mia’s bed was outside, so she slid on her slippers and walked to the door, asking, Who is it?” 

It’s me.A deep voice sounded through the door panel. I need to talk to Imogen. Please ask her to 

come out.” 

Oh, okay,Mia responded immediately and called to Imogen, Ms. Forbes, Mr. Marshall is looking for 

you. Come out and meet him.” 

Imogen didn’t expect Troy to come

Imogen had no choice but to get up from her bed, put on her slippers, and go out. She closed the door behind her after walking out

She looked at Troy and asked, Why did you come here? Do you need anything from me?” 

You tell me,Troy stared at her and said

Just as Imogen was about to speak, Troy interrupted her, “Don’t use those excuses to evade me. Tell me why. Are you in a bad mood?” 

There’s no reason. Please don’t ask anymore.” 

Did you watch Sarah’s variety show?” 

Imogen remained silent

You’re jealous, aren’t you?” 

There’s no such thing. It’s not because of that. Don’t make wild guesses. How could I possibly be jealous? I don’t even like you,Imogen denied

When Troy heard the last sentence, his expression changed. Imogen, are you now trying to go against your promise to my grandpa?” 


Chapter 81 He Is in Good Shape 

Imogen whispered, No” 

Troy took her hand and asked, Then why are you sulking by yourself? I hope you can tell me the truth, whatever happens in the future. Don’t evade. Positive communication is the right way to handle things. Otherwise, the distance between us will only grow wider

I’ll ask you again, did you get jealous because you knew I taught her German and told her stories after you watched Sarah’s variety show?” 

No,Imogen bit her lip and denied it

Troy could tell that she was saying one thing but meaning another

Imogen didn’t want to admit that she was jealous

Imogen, you can’t redirect your anger at me because of my past. My past is there, and it can’t be erased. I’m not forcing you to accept it all, but you must understand that the past can’t be changed. What matters is the future. If I choose to be with you and not divorce you, what does it matter that I had taught her German?” 

Imogen lowered her head, pursed her lips, and remained silent

Do you want to go to the hot spring?” 

Seeing Imogen keep silent, Troy continued, If you want to, go back to your room and pack your things to go to my room. Don’t worry. Today is the last night here. I’ll drive you away tomorrow morning. And no one will know.” 

Imogen turned back to her room silently and started packing her things

Ms. Forbes, are you leaving?” Mia asked in confusion

Yes, there’s something I need to take care of first,Imogen replied calmly

Okay. I hope everything goes well.” 

Thank you.” 

After packing her things, Imogen headed to Room 0104

Sitting comfortably in the hot spring, Imogen sighed in relief

It felt so good

Troy also joined her in the hot spring pool

Before dawn the following day, Troy woke Imogen up. Let’s go. You can sleep in the car.” 

The employees were still at the hot spring resort today

Although Imogen had returned early, she didn’t need to go to work. She went home to sleep until she naturally woke up

While looking through her phone, she remembered the photo she had taken with Troy. It was a good time to post it

Imogen edited an Instagram post: [Boyfriend.

She paired it with the photo of her and Troy, visible to everyone on Instagram

Shortly after, Imogen was notified that Troy liked her instagram post

Though Imogen’s friends were puzzled by her showing off her boyfriend without showing his face, they still left congratulatory comments

Charlie directly messaged Imogen: Imogen, what’s going on? Tell me!


Chapter 81 He Is in Good Shape 

Imogen replied: [Just what you see. I’m dating a man. But it’s not guaranteed to work out.

[Oh my goodness! Imogen, where did you find this guy? His physique is impressive. Look at his chest muscles. That’s amazing!

[Don’t drool all over the place!

[Can you take him out to meet us?

[Not for now. Maybe there’s a chance in the future.

When Liam saw this Instagram post, he was stunned for a long time and couldn’t calm down

He had thought Imogen was single all this time and still had a chance, but he didn’t expect someone else to beat him to her

Liam texted Imogen: When did you start dating? Your boyfriend has a great physique.

Imogen sighed. She regretted making the post visible to everyone. She just wanted to annoy Sarah, but now everyone was asking

[Yeah. He is in good shape.

[When can we have a chance to meet him?

[Not for now. We’ll see in the future.

[Okay.] Liam’s heart was filled with hope after he read Imogen’s reply

Since Imogen didn’t want to introduce her boyfriend to her friends, it meant their relationship was unstable, and they might break up at any time

Liam asked: [When are you visiting me in the set?

[1 actually have some free time recently. Which day works for you?

[Tomorrow would be good.

[Tomorrow? Okay!

When Sarah came across this Instagram post after finishing her shooting, she was filled with 



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