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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Burns 

Imogen’s mind was buzzing, and it took her a long time to realize that she had met a thief

There was pain in her lower abdomen, and she didn’t dare to move

Her child must be safe

She held her lower abdomen on the ground for a long time, and when the pain slowly dissipated, she stood up with difficulty. Standing there, she was at a loss

Should she catch up or call someone for help

The thief had already run out of sight

Imogen suddenly didn’t know what to do. As she took a few steps forward in a daze, she suddenly realized that her mobile phone and wallet were also in her bag. She was penniless now, and she couldn’t go home

She stood there for a long time before she thought of the police station

She stopped a passerby and asked, Excuse me, do you know how to get to the nearest police station?– 

It’s far away. You have to go straight along this road through three intersections and then go straight ahead and turnYou can ask others on the way.” 

Okay, thank you.Imogen continued to walk forward

She walked forward according to the guidance, and after walking for about half an hour, she finally saw the sign of the police station

Imogen went to the police station. She told them the situation and borrowed money from a policeman to take a taxi. She kept the policeman’s phone number

When she got home, Sue was doing the cleaning. When she saw Imogen coming back alone, she asked, Mrs. Marshall, what happened to you?” 

Imogen saw that her clothes were dirty, and there were bruises and scratches on her elbows and knees

I accidentally fell down. I’ll change my clothes and take a shower,Imogen said softly

She went upstairs to change her clothes and took a shower. After that, she lay on the bed to sleep. Early the next morning, she opened her eyes and got out of bed

The bed next to her was neatly made, and no one came back last night

After breakfast, she used the computer at home to ask for leave, and then she went to the police station and bank to go through some general procedures. After that, she bought a new mobile phone and downloaded all the 

However, the records were all 




Fortunately, she had the habit of backing up important files in the cloud, so she didn’t care that other things were gone

She opened Instagram and found something new

In the morning, Ylah posted an Instagram: (Don’t disturb them.

Besides, there was a photo of Troy’s back sitting beside Sarah’s hospital bed

Imogen’s heart had been numb, without any feelings

In the afternoon, she looked at her work schedule and informed her assistant to advance her 



Chapter 86 Burns 

business trip from the end of the month to today, and she would set off this afternoon

After packing her luggage at home, she asked her assistant to bring her work materials and the airport

When Troy got in the car, he was still thinking about Imogen’s words

Troy, if you walk out of this door today, we will have no future.” 

Troy closed his eyes

If it wasn’t for him, Sarah wouldn’t have been injured, so he had to take care of Sarah

go to 

If what Cedric said was true and Sarah called him to ask for help at that time, Troy should be responsible for Sarah’s injuries

When he confirmed that Sarah was fine, he would explain to Imogen

Troy drove quickly to the hospital. He asked Sarah’s ward at the front desk and hurried over

Ylah and Sarah’s assistants were in the ward

How is Sarah?Troy came in and asked

Ylah immediately stood up. Mr. Marshall, you finally come. I called you, but your phone is turned off. Sarah is still in a coma. Fortunately, her face wasn’t injured. Otherwise, her future will be completely ruined. Mr. Marshall, you don’t know how critical the situation was” 

I heard that she was burned by the fire. Is the burn area large?” 

The doctor said that it was a moderate burn. When Sarah was rescued, some places on her body were bloody from the fire. She was sweating coldly in a coma from the pain. I didn’t dare to look at that.” 

Listening to Ylah’s description, Troy couldn’t imagine how painful Sarah was at that time

He sat beside Sarah’s hospital bed, and seeing her unconscious, he showed worry on his brows. Moreover, the doctor said that we should worry about Sarah’s psychological problems. She was frightened before she fell into a coma, and her condition may become more serious. After Sarah came back, she suffered a lot. I don’t know if someone wants to hurt her on purpose.” 

I will find the best doctor to treat her.” 

Mr. Marshall, why was your phone turned off?” 

Troy looked at Ylah

Ylah smiled and said, Mr. Marshall, I don’t mean anything else. There are two call records on Sarah’s mobile phone, and the time of the call was not long after she was trapped in the room. Maybe at that time, she thought that only you could save her. If you had answered the call and called the crew, she would have been rescued in time, and such a thing would never have happened.” 

Troy lowered his eyes and said, It was inconvenient for me to answer the phone at the time, and I never thought that such a thing would happen to Sarah.” 

According to the news, Troy was having a candlelight dinner with Imogen at that time

Troy usually wouldn’t reject Sarah’s call


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