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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 89


Chapter 89 Knock on the Door 

I don’t think the environment here suits you. You have been sicking several times not long after you came back. I think the environment abroad may be more suitable for you.” 

I didn’tI came back for you. Troy, don’t be like this.” 

Let’s not talk about it. Since your injury is not serious, I will go back first.” 

Sarah still hugged him, unwilling to let him go

She raised her head and met Troy’s gaze. She trembled all over and involuntarily let go of her hand

Troy turned around and left the ward

He drove back to the company and went straight to Imogen’s office

No one was there. The computer was turned off

Troy randomly called a McKesson employee and asked, Where’s Ms. Forbes?” 

I don’t know. She didn’t come to work today. I guess she has asked for leave.Okay. Thank you.” 

Troy drove home immediately

Sir, you are back,Sue said

He walked upstairs and asked casually, Where’s Mrs. Marshall?” 

She’s on a business trip.” 

Troy’s footsteps stopped. Business trip?” 

Yes. A business trip with her assistant.” 

Troy fell silent. He walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, leaning against the back. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows

He was very aware that Imogen didn’t have a business trip today. It must be ahead of schedule

She did it on purpose

Troy took out his mobile phone and sent Imogen a Facebook message: [Are you on a business trip? When will you be back?

But he guessed that Imogen might not reply

She was always like that when she was angry

Troy waited for a long time. There was no reply

Troy called Imogen again. Imogen refused to answer again and again

After four times, the notification was that the number was on talking and called later

Imogen blocked him

Troy was helpless. He immediately called Lane and asked him to check out Imogen’s itinerary and book a flight ticket and hotel for himself

This matter couldn’t be delayed. He must explain to Imogen as soon as possible

If it kept put off, his relationship with Imogen might be over

Lane called back and said, Mr. Marshall, Ms. Forbes is on a business trip to Bennett City. Are you 

sure you want to go 


Yea. Book me the fastest ticket.” 


Troy didn’t even pack his clothes and went directly to the airport

Imogen came a day early. She didn’t have work today

After checking in, Imogen ordered takeaway for dinner and stayed in the hotel

After dinner, she turned on her mobile phone and randomly found a soap opera on a video app to watch

She didn’t want to let herself be idle. As soon as she had nothing to do, she would think of last night. Troy left decisively because of Sarah

Imogen was terribly disappointed

Jason, Imogen’s assistant, also stayed in the hotel and didn’t go out

He was preparing documents for tomorrow

Suddenly the phone rang. Jason glanced at it casually. Oh, it was Troy



Jason was deeply shocked

WhyWhy did Troy call him

Jason picked up the phone and carefully answered it, Hello, Mr. Marshall.” 

Which hotel do you live in? What’s the room number of Ms. Forbes?” 

Mr. Marshall, we are in Bennett City.” 

I know.” 

OK. We’re at Harrison Hotel. Ms. Forbes’s room number is 1508.” 

OK. I get it.” 

Okay. Sure.Jason didn’t know what to say

Why did Troy ask? Did he want to come over

Please don’t tell Imogen I called you.” 

No problem. I will not tell Ms. Forbes. Mr. Marshall, do you have other questions?” 

Not for now.Troy hung up the phone

Jason calmed down and put down the phone. He was not in the working mood anymore

Almost all employees in the company had Troy’s number. But they rarely had any contact with him

But now, Jason just had a call with him

Jason was not dreaming. Troy called him and asked for their hotel and Imogen’s room number. Jason remembered that he had called Imogen once before. After making many calls, the phone was finally answered by Troy, not Imogen

At that time, Jason felt that Troy might be having an affair with Imogen

Coupled with the recent rumors in the company and Troy’s behaviors today… 

Jason felt that the rumor was true

After playing with the phone for a while, Jason was about to go to the bathroom to wash up. Suddenly, the phone rang again

He glanced at the phone screen. It was Troy again

Jason quickly answered the phone, Hello, Mr. Marshall.” 

I’m at your hotel. Come out.” 

Ah? Oh, Mr. Marshall, you’re downstairs. I’ll go down to pick you upWhile speaking, Jason took the room card and went out immediately

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he saw Troy standing out of Imogen’s room

Jason was puzzled. Troy had already arrived. Why did he call Jason out

Mr. Marshall” 

Jason was confused. Troy pointed to the door of Imogen’s room and said, Knock on the door. Don’t mention me.” 

Jason suddenly understood

He was Troy’s wingman

Did Troy come to give Imogen a surprise

Jason stepped forward and knocked on Imogen’s door

Who is it?” 

Imogen, who was watching a soap opera, heard a knock on the door. She sat up from the sofa with her mobile phone and asked as she walked towards the door

Ms. Forbes, it’s me. I want to ask you something.” 

Wait a minute.Imogen paused the show and opened the door. What’s your questionImogen paused when she saw Troy standing outside the door. Her expression suddenly changed, and her voice stopped abruptly. She wanted to close the door immediately

Troy seized the right moment and immediately stepped forward. His foot got stuck in the crack of the door, and his arm was against the door to prevent her from closing it. Imogen, I want to have a good talk with you!” 

Imogen tried her best to push the door. We have nothing to talk about. Please leave.” 

Jason stood aside in a daze, with a look of astonishment on his face

So, it was not a surprise but a scare

Jason was surer that Troy and Imogen were definitely having an affair

Troy wanted to explain, but Imogen didn’t want to hear the explanation

It seemed that Imogen was in charge of the situation


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