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Snare of Love novel Chapter 184

Matthew took his daughter’s hand with one hand and held a plastic of snacks with the other, walking out of the supermarket. A bus was driving away, and the woman and her son who shopped in the supermarket were on it.

When the boy was getting on the bus, he looked back at the girl in her father’s arms. He could tell that the girl was quite naive, also quite cute.

“Hurry up,” his mother urged him.

The boy could only get on.

“Where is Samuel?” Simona looked around. There were cars, buses, and people everywhere. She hadn’t found that behind a window on a bus, a pair of black sparkling eyes were staring at her.

Soon the bus was driven away, and the boy couldn’t see Simona anymore.

“Daddy, what are they doing over there?” Simona pointed at the stall where the sugarcoated haws on a stick were sold. There were a group of onlookers.

She wrapped around Matthew’s neck. “Daddy, I want the sugarcoated haws.”

Matthew looked up in the sky and down at the plastic bag in his hands. He decided to buy them because his daughter wanted them.

“Daddy, it’s so nice of you!” Simona held his face, kissing and rubbing. Even if Matthew were an iceberg, he would be certainly melted.

The sugarcoated haws on a stick in the past only had the haws. Nowadays, all different kinds of fruits were sugarcoated. Simona chose a skewer with all haws. The red haws under the crystal sugar looked quite appealing.

She swallowed. “It must be quite yummy.”

Matthew paid for it. “We should go now.”

The little girl nodded. She had got all she wanted, so she was quite satisfied.

Back to the caravan, the tank was fulfilled with gas. Boyce had already taken Samuel back. Samuel also had a skewer of sugarcoated haws in his hand.

“Why are you guys so slow? We’ve been waiting for you for a while.” Samuel cast a glance at the plastic bag that Matthew took in and then glanced at his younger sister. He understood what had happened. He slightly heaved a sigh.

Boyce gently patted him on his head. “Little one, why are you sighing?”

Samuel curled his lips, eating the sugarcoated haws while sitting on the sofa.

Boyce followed Matthew to the inner compartment. “Armand has resolved Maria Herbert’s matter...”

“Hold on for a second,” Matthew interrupted him. He didn’t want his daughter to overhear such filthy things.

Boyce shushed immediately. “I’ll get off and wait for you.”

“Okay.” Matthew put the little girl on the seat and all snacks on the table. “Stay here with your brother. Uncle Boyce and I have something to discuss.”

“I know.” Simona was quite sensible right now. She looked so adorable.

Matthew rubbed her hair.

She twisted her head. “My hair is already messy. You’re making it messier. If I’m too ugly, when we find Mommy, she won’t recognize me!”

Matthew chuckled, pinching her cheeks. “Who has the guts to say my daughter is ugly?”

Simona was happy. She grinned ear to ear, exposing her white teeth.

Matthew got off the van. Boyce was standing in front of the door. Seeing that he get off, Boyce took a few steps back to make space for him.

They took a few steps forward, but still quite nearby the van.

“Annabelle Flores is dead.”

Matthew was a bit taken aback. He didn’t expect that she was the one who had died.

At that time, Annabelle wasn’t injured at all, and Maria was tortured a lot. They left them both inside the same room, aiming to let them kill each other. However, he didn’t expect that Annabelle would have died.

He had thought that it might Maria who would die first. Anyway, no matter who died, it meant no different to him. The survived one would have committed the homicide, and would surely be put into jail. If it were a serious case, she would be sentenced to death directly.

“I’ve never found that Maria Herbert...” Boyce had the same guess as Matthew had. He thought that Maria would be dead. Unexpectedly, he received the report that Annabelle died.

It meant how tough Maria was.

After she was injured so much, she managed to kill Annabelle.

“The evidence that she has killed Annabelle Flores is quite firm, and she couldn’t retort at all. Plus, she also hired Terry Holmes’s brother to kill Dolores. She has been sentenced to death, suspended for one year. All the guards now this time are my men. The matter that Sampson Herbert has done last time wouldn’t happen again.”

They deliberately had left Maria and Annabelle alone in the Interrogation Room. There was a surveillance system in the room, which had filmed exactly how Maria managed to kill Annabelle. She had no chance to overturn the case at all. Plus her former case, she was certainly doomed.

Matthew looked quite expressionless as if this woman had nothing to do with him at all.


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