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Snare of Love novel Chapter 192

Matthew's face was engulfed in a halo which was sometimes bright and sometimes dark, the fire of desire was not fading but growing instead.

"I got it." Dolores let out something that was unrelated.

"What do you know?" Matthew said, frowning.

"Sampson Hebert is aware of it as well; she was the one who sent me the message to catch me out." She stated this on purpose to distract Matthew’s attention.

Of course, Sampson understood that everything at that time was made up by her.

Sampson’s face looked serious as he thought about this woman.

Dolores remained still and sought to get out from beneath him, but Matthew pressed on her shoulder and it was only then that he realized she was doing it on purpose.

The lust in his eyes was about to overflow like water meanwhile he said, “I’m not young anymore, how long are you going to keep me waiting.”

"I've heard that sex is the best way to express love," he whispered as his body bent lower and flirted beside her ear.


Dolores' mind went blank for a time. She couldn't believe he was saying such words.

How could he be so shameless?

"You are not good-looking, but how can I be so eager to get you?" Mathew pinched her face. Her face was squeezed and was examined from side to side. His eyes brimmed with a powerful trace of a smile, "You say you're not good-looking, how can I be so eager to get you?"

"If I am not good-looking, do you still want to...?" Dolores quickly closed her mouth; you still wanted to sleep with me almost out of her mouth.

She was flushed. She was so shy that she couldn’t face him.

It was very embarrassing.

Especially she was in front of him.

Matthew grinned and asked, knowingly, "What else do I want to do?"

"Get up, I'm starving." Dolores attempted to flee.

"I feed you, isn't that good?" Matthew's face straightened, he bent his head and kissed her lips.

"..." Dolores was speechless.

Knock, knock!

Dolores’ eyes widened as she heard a tap on the door. This person had arrived at the right time as she was looking for an explanation.

"Open the door quickly." Dolores pressed against him.

Matthew didn't move, and his face wasn't as brisk as it had been.

Who arrived at such an inconvenient time?

"Dad," says the knock.

A little voice followed the knock on the door.

"It’s Simona." Dolores’ voice was trembling, that was her daughter.

She turned to stare at the man above her and was irritated that her daughter had called him instead of her.

"Are you there, Daddy?" She said again.

Matthew had to get up then reluctantly because his daughter was waiting outside.

He reached to retrieve Dolores’ clothing and she smacked his hand. It seemed like she was irritated because her daughter didn't call her, despite the fact that she was the one who gave birth to her, and had raised for six years but ended up being so close to this man.

Matthew saw her dissatisfaction and rubbed her nose, "Are you jealous of your daughter?"

Dolores didn't say anything as she lowered her head to knot the lacing on her garments.

"We are father and daughter, blood is thicker than water"

It was natural that they were close because they were biologically related.

Dolores didn't want to talk to him and hurried over to open the door. Simona had no idea Dolores had returned, and as soon as the door opened, she shouted out for her father.

"Mommy, where have you been all this time, Daddy, and I have been seeking for you for a long time, I miss you so much," she said and her eyes were red and filled with tears as she  saw it was Dolores.

"Mommy," she shouted and flung herself into her arms with her arms wrapping around her waist. She burrowed into her arms.

She worried that her mother will hide again since she can't see her.

Boyce Shawn stood at the door, Matthew had been in the home all day with Dolores, they should have finished all that they wanted to say and wanted to say.

So he took it upon himself to bring the two kids over without telling them that he had located Dolores and was planning to surprise them.

Samuel wanted to go to the toilet as Simona knocked on the door and yet he had not returned.

Dolores crouched and held her daughter's face. It seemed like she had gained weight and her face was round.

"Mommy, where had you been all this time, and how come I can't find you?" The small girl pouted her pretty pink lips.

Dolores grabbed her daughter into her arms. She didn't know how to respond to her daughter’s query. Only then did she notice Samuel standing at the door, his thin tiny body stood up straight, his hands locked into fists at his sides.

"Samuel." Dolores gazed at her kid, who had lost weight and had the same angular face as Matthew.

She reached out to her son.

Samuel shouted out, his eyes were red and his neck stretched, "Where had you gone for so long? Do you realize how worried I was about you?"

"Please accept my apologies-" Dolores was at a loss for words as she stretched out to pull her kid into her arms.

Samuel lifted his hand and wiped his tears away with the back of his palm. He choked with sobs and said, "Mommy did not do anything wrong, it's my fault, I didn't take care of Mommy, I'm the man of the family, but I lost you, it's my fault."

"Oh, sweetie." Dolores pressed her son's head into her arms. He was still a youngster, but he was indicating he didn't care for her.


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