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Snare of Love novel Chapter 276

Armand frowned, "What are you laughing at?"

"Do you think you’ve won? You think you’ve caught me?" Sampson laughed more and more wildly.

Armand frowned even more, what did he mean?

Matthew held Dolores's cold hand and hugged her even more tightly. His eyes narrowed slightly.

"What else can you do? You can't escape today no matter what.” Armand looked at Sampson who had gone mad, his face turned angry.

"I can't escape but you can." He unzipped his zip as he spoke.

Soon after, Armand understood what he meant because he had a bomb tied on his body.

As soon as he showed the bomb, everyone around screamed. The woman who was selling the barbeque meat held her daughter in her arms and hid under the table.

He looked at Matthew and laughed, "Who among you dare to catch me?"

Matthew’s face remained the same as he protected Dolores behind him, "What do you want?"

As he spoke, the bodyguard behind Sampson slowly stepped forward and tried to subdue Sampson.

Sampson opened his arms, "Surrender Lola to me, let me take her away, otherwise, let’s die together."

Matthew deliberately negotiated with him so that the bodyguards could get close to him.

"What if I don't agree?"

"I’ve already told you, we’ll die together if you don’t agree, no one would stay alive!" Sampson looked past him, "Lola, do you really want to see so many people die because of you?"

Dolores turned her head and did not look at him, but her eyes happened to fall on the mother and daughter who were hiding under the table. Her eyes flicked and her hands clenched.

They were innocent but their lives were in danger because of her.

Dolores wanted to tell them to go. It was no use hiding under the table, but she was afraid that it would attract Sampson’s attention.

"Lola, come with me. I’m the only one who really likes and loves you. Only I can die for you. Come with me.” He reached for Dolores.

At this moment, the bodyguard who was nearing Sampson accidentally bumped into the chair and made a sound. Sampson looked back and saw the bodyguard who was coming towards him. His face instantly turned gloomy. He found the bodyguard so the bodyguard chose to quickly move towards him and catch him.

Sampson kicked the chair in front of him down and blocked the bodyguard.

"Mommy, mommy." The little girl was scared that she went into her mother’s arms. Sampson turned his head and stared at the little girl. Dolores saw that he was going to harm the little girl, she quickly said, "Stop him, quickly."

The bodyguards rushed to protect the daughter but they were too late. Sampsons overturned the table and seized the little girl. The woman wouldn’t let go of her daughter, "Let go of my daughter."

"Give her to me." Sampson yelled at the woman, the woman was terrified and screamed, "Let go of my daughter, let go of my daughter!"

The little girl felt pain as he tried to snatch her, she was scared to cry, "Mommy, mommy..."

Dolores wanted to help the mother to save her child. Sampson was a lunatic now and would definitely hurt the child.

As soon as she moved, Matthew quickly stopped her, “I’ll go.”

Sampson used brutal force to pull the girl out of the woman's hand. He just wanted to use the little girl to threaten Dolores. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Matthew, "You..."

Matthew moved very fast and grabbed Sampson’s hand tight. Matthew was so strong that Sampson felt pain in his hand, his hand that was holding the little girl became loose. Matthew took the opportunity and grabbed the little girl back in his arms. Sampson was very angry, his blood was boiling and he touched the bomb that was tied to his body, he tried to press the to detonate the bomb. In such a nervous moment, Matthew raised his foot and kicked him away.


The tables and chairs fell over.

Sampson's reaction was very quick. He got up and ran.


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