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Snare of Love novel Chapter 283

At that moment, the words that came out of her mind was an arrogant egomaniac.

However, he was very charming by behaving like that.

At the moment, it was time for the bodyguard guarding the lift entrance to change his post. A rustling noise accompanied by the sound of talking, “It’s really cold outside and it’s warm inside...”

The man’s words came to an abrupt halt halfway.

The person who spoke, with an unconscious glance, saw Matthew in the corridor ...

Then, he forgot what he wanted to say.

The other three people wondered what he was looking at and their eyes went straight, probably because they were curious so they all reached out their heads to look towards the direction where the man was looking at, however ...

Dolores seemed to sense someone, and she nudged Matthew.


Dolores whispered, “Did someone just talk?”

Matthew turned his head without hesitation.


They did not expect Matthew to suddenly turn his head and did not know how to react for a moment. They were all dumbfounded and afraid that he would get angry. They wanted to explain that they did not mean to look, but they did not know how to start the conversation.

Dolores’ face turned red, like a blazing fire. She lowered her head and pulled the corner of Matthew’s coat.

This was too humiliating.

He lowered his head and saw Dolores’ red face, he hugged her in his arms and said in a deep voice, “Turn all your heads away.”

He knew that Dolores was thin-skinned.

He knew that Dolores would be embarrassed to look at these people at this moment.

The four strong men stood in a row and turned around at the same time, as if they had made an agreement beforehand.

Dolores walked into the room with her head down. As she arrived in the room, she immediately pushed Matthew away.

“It’s all your fault.”

She was thinking that Matthew did the wrong things on wrong the occasion.

Matthew bent down to look at her, her face was still red, how could she be so shy?

He felt that Dolores was cute, like a young girl who was in love, wistful and shy.

A smile spread across his face as he reached out his hand to pinch her cheeks, “I had made them to turn over, no one will look at you.”

“They all did.” Dolores glared at him resentfully.

He wrapped his arms around her, “It’s okay to let them see.”

“Go away.” Dolores pushed Matthew.

Matthew did not let go and he hugged her tighter instead, he even teased, “I like the way you blush.”

Why was this man so annoying?

“Daddy, Mummy, what are you doing?” The two children who were on the bed suddenly stopped their frolicking and looked at Matthew and Dolores at the same time.

Simona covered her eyes with both her hands, leaving some gaps between her fingers and peeking, “Daddy and Mummy are going to kiss, shame, shame.”

“Do not look at what is contrary to propriety, do not look at what is contrary to propriety.” Samuel covered his sister’s eyes with one hand and his own with the other, “You guys go on, you guys go on, we definitely won’t peek.”

Dolores and Matthew looked at each other and then coincidentally looked at the two children who were standing on the bed at the same time, did not know shall they cry or laugh for a moment.

Samuel was silently thinking in his heart, Daddy and Mummy were getting closer?

But this is good, in future, they could stay together as a family of four.

“Mummy, can you give me a brother or a sister?” Samuel’s voice came out through his fingers.

Dolores was speechless.

Matthew was very happy. He was satisfied with the words, pretty much satisfied.

It was for sure Samuel had the same blood as his blood that ran through his veins. It was clear that Samuel was his biological son by understanding him so much.

“Do you hear that?” Matthew wrapped his arms around Dolores’ waist.

The blush that had just dissipated on Dolores’ face appeared again, and she whispered, “You take a kid’s words so seriously?”

“Why can’t I take it seriously?” Matthew was serious.


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