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Snare of Love novel Chapter 312

Dolores Flores blushed when she inexplicably heard something charming. She deliberately changed the topic, “Are we going to bring the both of them over?”


“Then I’ll go change their clothes,” Dolores turned around and went downstairs. It was as if she was running away from him.

After she changed the children’s clothes, Dolores tied Simona Flores’ hair. The little girl’s hair was a bit wavy. If she didn’t tie it up, it would look frizzy. After she tied it up in a ponytail, she looked prettier with a full forehead. Her little face was extremely sophisticated. She looked more like Matthew Nelson now that she had grown older. The outlines of her tiny face were extremely clear and sharp.

After she tied her daughter’s hair, Dolores let her wear a Chinese cotton-padded jacket. Victoria Forbis prepared it for her for the new year. The red color looked extremely festive. The combination of Chinese and modern craftsmanship was unique. The Chinese knot buttons slanted across the placket, and a flawless round white jade pendant hung on the first Chinese knot button. A Chinese knot with tassels was wrapped in the middle of it. It looked extremely exquisite.

Simona looked like a doll after she put it on. Her skin was like porcelain, and her eyes were big, bright, and lively.

Samuel Flores’ clothes were also prepared by Victoria. However, it was exactly opposite to Simona’s. His clothes had trendy elements for a gentleman.

He wore a beige wool sweater with a white shirt inside. He also wore a small suit and trousers with a dark coat on the outside. He looked like a western gentleman.

“Where are we going, mommy?” Samuel stood in front of the mirror to see what else was wrong with him.

“We’re probably going to meet someone,” Dolores was also not sure that he would bring her to see Jeffery Harris since Matthew didn’t say anything.

Samuel blinked and looked at Dolores, “Mommy.”


Dolores picked her daughter off the bed. She already wore her leggings, so she just needed to wear her shoes later.

“Will grandma come celebrate the new year with us this year?” Samuel asked.

He grew up in an environment where Jessica Lennon and Dolores were the only ones at home since he was a child. It had been a long time since he had seen Jessica, so he missed her a little bit.

“Yeah, mommy. How about grandma?” Simona stood beside Dolores’ legs and pulled the edge of her shirt.

Dolores felt upset every time she thought of Jessica. Up until now, she still couldn’t understand why Jessica did that.

“I’m afraid she won’t have time to celebrate the new year with us,” Dolores held the two children’s hands and deliberately said, “Come on, go wear your shoes.”

She didn’t know how to tell the kids the situation regarding Jessica. She could only avoid it since she wasn’t willing to face it.

Matthew walked out of the study room in a suit with a coat over his arm. It looked like he had talked to Jayden Nelson already.

“Are we going now?” Dolores asked.

Matthew lowered his head to look at the time and faintly grunted in agreement.

“Then I’ll go put their shoes on,” Dolores took the two children and walked to the entryway to help them wear their shoes.

Matthew wore his coat and took Dolores’ down coat from the clothes rack. He waited until she finished helping the kids wear their shoes and gestured her to wear it.

Dolores put her arms into the sleeves. Matthew helped her zip it up and put her collar close together. When he saw the bracelet on her wrist, he reminded her, “Don’t let it show when you take off your coat.”

Jeffery wasn’t very friendly toward Victoria. If she wasn’t protected by Jayden, no one would know how hard Jeffery would make things for her.

Although he wasn’t sure whether or not Jeffery knew that this belonged to Victoria, he still shouldn’t let Jeffery see it to prevent Dolores from giving him a bad impression.

Although the two families rarely contacted each other after Jolene Harris died, but the Harris family was good to him after all.

So he didn’t want Dolores and the Harris family to settle unhappily just because of Victoria’s matter.

Dolores pulled her sleeves down and pretended to casually ask, “Is your relationship not good with Forbis family?”

Matthew stayed silent for a moment, but in the end, he still didn’t say anything.


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