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Snare of Love novel Chapter 317

Samuel checked the cash and gave it to his sister as he lifted his head to take a look at Matthew. He blinked his eyes and his eyelashes were rippling, "How could you don’t even know when is your own wife’s birthday?"

Matthew was speechless.

He was too angry to speak, indeed, he was not a good husband. Their marriage had been six years and after tomorrow will be seven years. Their children had been six years old but they still hadn’t spent a night with each other.

Wasn’t he a disqualified husband?

He didn’t satisfy his wife. It was all his fault.

Presently Samuel had accepted him. But he would never forget that he had been neglected. If he wanted to get back mommy, then he might need to pay extra effort.

"You check yourself." Samuel was obviously reluctant to say. He put his hands crossed over his chest, "Let me give you a hint, there wasn’t much time left."

Matthew raised his eyebrow. Did he just say not much time left?

Were there just a few days left?

Matthew crouched and looked horizontal to his child, "Do you believe that I could know it by just asking a question?"

Samuel responded especially rapidly by covering his sister's mouth with his hand.

He worried that he would ask his sister, Simona was a nose of wax, and furthermore, she was extremely close to Matthew. If she was asked, she would reveal it to Matthew.

"Don’t you coax Simona?" Samuel scowled at Matthew.

Simona totally had no idea of what had just happened.

For what reason did Samuel abruptly cover her mouth?

"Hmm ..."

"What are you all doing?" Dolores descended from higher up and saw Samuel covering Simona’s mouth so she inquired.

Matthew looked at his child and grinned enjoyably, "Quite recently Simona said that your birthday is on the second day of the Lunar New Year, then, at that point, Samuel said that she wasn't right and covered her mouth."

"It's on ..."


Samuel interrupted her noisily. He worried that she would say it and scowled at Matthew wildly, "You cheated!"

"Did I?" Matthew spread his hands, "We all just get what we want by our own skills, don’t we?"

This time it was Samuel who turned speechless.

Dolores was puzzled, she tapped her child's shoulder and advised him to let go of her daughter, "You continue to cover her will make her felt uncomfortable."

"Mom, you should not reveal to him when your birthday is, let him examine himself. If he couldn’t figure it out, that means he is not sincere." Samuel told Dolores.

Dolores flickered his eyes as though she sorted out what was happening.

He trusted Dolores, yet he didn't know about his sister, so he pulled her back to the room, "Let’s get back to our room."

"What about my money?" Simona took a look at her sibling. With such a lot of cash, she could request her mom get her a lot of things.

She couldn’t leave it there. What if it was gone?

"Mom. You pick it up for us" Samuel insisted not allow her sister to have contact with Matthew, this man was too cunning. Just now, he nearly deceived Dolores to tell him.

Dolores nodded.

When the two kids went into the room, Dolores gazed at Matthew and questioned him, "What are you battling with the kids for?"

Matthew sat alongside her and covered her hand that was holding cash. He took the cash in her hand and assisted her with picking it up, "It was your child who provoked me first."

Indeed, he was the victim.

It was clearly Samuel who picked on him, wasn’t he?


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