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Snare of Love novel Chapter 320

Matthew lifted his gaze and looked at the woman who was eating her meal at the table. He frowned deeply not because Randolph had died but because he believed that Jessica was directly related to Randolph’s death.

From the moment she had decided to restore her marriage with Randolph, Matthew felt that something was amiss. Just as he expected, Randolph died when New Year was not even over yet.

He walked to the front to the window. When he was sure that Dolores couldn’t hear him, he said, “Where did he die?”

“In his house. I am currently there. When I heard of the news, I was also shocked. He just died for no reason. Neither he had any terminal illnesses, nor he was struck by any disasters. Could it be divine retribution for his crimes?” Boyce said.

Matthew didn’t believe in superstitions.

This was a materialistic world.

“I will go there now.” If Dolores wasn’t related to this, he would definitely not interfere with this matter. He would not interfere with this matter even if Randolph was involved. He feared that Jessica was related to it.

Dolores and Jessica had depended on each other for many years and had a close relationship. Although Jessica had gone against Dolores’s wishes and restored her marriage with Randolph, he could see that Dolores cared a lot about Jessica.

Things would be fine if she was not involved in this matter. But if…

He ended the call and entered the restaurant. Dolores was looking down, so she didn’t notice him.

A strand of Dolores’s hair got in her face. Matthew who was behind her tucked her hair behind her ear and said softly, “I am going out. I have things to do.”

Dolores acknowledged his words.

“There is nobody in the house today. Go upstairs and nap for a while after you have finished your meal,” he spoke gently.

Dolores nodded and asked, “Are you going to the company?”

Matthew hesitated for a while and lied, “Armand and Boyce have organized a gathering and have asked me to join them.”

“Ok. Don’t drink. Alcohol is bad for you,” she said out of concern.

Matthew was taken aback. Immediately, his eyes showed happiness. His heart felt the warmth of her words. He knew that he had many habits, but he never cared about his health. He kissed her forehead, “Wait for me obediently.”

Dolores pushed him, “You should leave now. Don’t let them wait for you for too long.”

Matthew acknowledged her words, grabbed his coat from the coat rack at the entryway and left the house.

Coral came in not long after Matthew had left.

She took off her coat covered with snow at the entryway and walked in. Looking at Dolores who was still at the table, she noticed that Dolores’s sweater was rolled up without Dolores’s knowledge. There was a bruise on Dolores’s waist.

Coral thought that she was seeing things. She walked closer to Dolores and bent down to look at her waist.

She took a closer look. There was really a bruise on Dolores’s waist. She widened her eyes, “Your waist…”

Dolores pulled down her sweater hurriedly and seemed to be panic-stricken.

“Does the young master have violent tendencies? He abused you?” Coral widened her eyes in shock. If Matthew wasn’t the one who had hit her, where did she get the injury?

“It is nothing like that. I accidentally knocked my waist,” Dolores lied in a panic.

Coral was still unconvinced, “How did you knock your waist?”

Dolores lowered her head so that her long hair hid her blushed cheeks, “I got that injury when I slipped and fell on the bathroom floor. I will go upstairs now.”

She got up and escaped the dining room. She was terrified that Coral would get closer to the truth.

Coral noticed that Dolores had not finished her soup and shouted, “Are you full? You haven’t finished your meal.”

“I am already full.”

Dolores ran to her room and closed the door without turning back. She let out a deep breath, walked into the bathroom and pulled up her sweater. Looking at the back of her waist in the mirror, she saw the bruise on her waist clearly. Matthew had pressed her against the side of the wash basin. No wonder she had felt great pain.

She unzipped her skirt and tucked her sweater into her skirt so that it would not roll up accidentally again.


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