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Snare of Love novel Chapter 331

Dolores looked serious. She walked in and patted Theresa’s back, “Are you alright?”

Theresa shook her head, “I’m fine. Maybe I was just having diarrhoea. Lately…”

Theresa suddenly paused as if she was reminded of something else.

Dolores went through what Theresa was going through now. She knew it when she saw Theresa vomiting, “Let’s go to the hospital and get you checked.”

Theresa’s hands trembled. She didn’t know what to say.

Dolores hugged Theresa and stroked her back, then comforted her silently.

“Dolores, can you do me a favour?” Theresa asked in a coarse voice.

Dolores replied, “Sure. What is it?”

“…If, I’m saying if, I’m pregnant. Please don’t tell Armand.”

Theresa didn’t want to get together with someone because of some external factors. She knew what she wanted exactly.

Dolores understood Theresa. She nodded her head, “I won’t tell him, but if you are… You’ll need to think more about your future.”

It will need careful considerations of the baby’s growing environment. After all, a functional family was important for the child, in terms of his growth in every aspect.

Dolores drove Theresa to the hospital.

The check-up was fast because they went at night and they went into the emergency ward. Theresa did an ultrasound and urinalysis. The ultrasound detected an embryo growing in Theresa’s womb. It was about seven weeks old. Theresa’s urinalysis result also shown positive. It meant she was pregnant for sure.

Theresa sat beside the flower bed outside of the hospital. She stared at the lab test report and remained silent.

Dolores didn’t know what to say to comfort Theresa. If Theresa and Armand were happy together, the child will be a gift for them.

But now, it was obvious that Theresa and Armand were having problems in their relationship.

“I don’t want the baby,” Theresa has been quiet since she completed the check-ups.

A word out of sudden from Theresa stunned Dolores.

Dolores didn’t try to persuade Theresa either. She knew it was a spur-of-the-moment decision from Theresa. Dolores knew too much about being a mother.

If Dolores asked Theresa to head to the surgery room right away, Theresa couldn’t do it either.

It wasn’t being impulsive. It was the nature of a mother.

Theresa was surprised that Dolores didn’t try to persuade her to keep the baby. She raised her head and looked at Dolores, “You think I shouldn’t keep him too?”

Dolores replied sincerely, “I know you would keep him.”

Theresa didn’t know what to say. She felt the heartache when she said he didn’t want the baby. She struggled and hesitated.

“It’s cold out here. Let me send you home,” Dolores helped Theresa got up from the flower bed.

Theresa hugged Dolores tightly the moment she got up, “It’s so good to have you by my side.”

Dolores always gave apropos advice, and she wouldn’t get involved too much in her business. Dolores knew her place and people felt comfortable making friends with her.

Dolores sent Theresa back home, “Don’t worry. I won’t tell Armand. You should take a good rest.”

Theresa nodded, “I’ll go inside now then.”

Dolores waved her hand and said, “Get in quick. It’s cold out here.”

Dolores started her car engine after she saw Theresa walked into the lobby of her apartment.

When the car drove into the busy business centre, the passers-by were walking so fast as if they were rushing for something. It was a norm for them.

Dolores parked her car in the basement of one of the corporate buildings.


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