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Snare of Love novel Chapter 338

“Um.” Victoria replied her faintly.

“Is he willing to stop?” Dolores asked eagerly.

Victoria let out a deep breathe and shook her head, “No, he seems to find out Matthew’s identity, but I won’t let him to continue his investigation.”

Dolores was just about to say that Matthew knew about it when the phone on the dining table vibrated.

It showed the phone number of Boyce Shawn.

Dolores looked at Victoria, “I’ll take a call first.”

She got up and walked to the window, pressing the answer button, “Hello?”

“It’s me. I’ve found out what Matthew asked me to investigate.”

She felt nervous and she straightened her back, “Go ahead.”

“It’s not clear in a sentence or two. Let’s meet and talk,” said Boyce.

She thought for a moment and said, “Okay.”

After hanging up the phone, she put the phone into her pocket, walked to the dining room and saw Victoria was looking at the sea cucumbers inside the bowl.

She smiled and asked, “Mom, you’re hungry too, right?”

As she spoke, she went to the kitchen, got a clean bowl and scooped her own sea cucumber for her, “Don’t mind, it’s untouched.”

Victoria grabbed her hand, “I’m not hungry, you eat it. Look at how thin you’re. You shouldn’t get yourself into this mess.”

Dolores said yes.

Thinking of Matthew’s temper, she didn’t want to have anything to do with Charles.

Victoria entered the house while Dolores held her breath and swallowed the sea cucumbers, then drank some water and went out after putting on her clothes.

Boyce sent her the address where they would meet and she drove there.

It was a bar and there weren’t many people inside as it was daytime. It was quiet and he was drinking in his seat.

When he saw her enter, he asked, “What would you like to drink?”

“Just give me juice.” She sat down.

He asked the bartender to pour a glass of juice. She looked at him and asked, “Why did you choose this place?”

“It’s quiet at this time and I want to have a drink also.” He took a sip of his drink.

When he put the glass down, he didn’t remove it, fiddling with it, “Shameless couldn’t be used to describe how nasty and insidious people are.”

She asked him cautiously, “Are you irritated?”

Otherwise, how else would he feel such emotion.

He didn’t say anything, but handed her the file bag he had placed on the table, “Read it yourself.”

She probably guessed what was inside in her mind.

Looking at his expression, she was afraid that the matter wasn’t good.

She opened the file with curiosity and somewhat apprehension.

There were a dozen pages of information about Phoebe Lewis’s past and a few photos inside.

The photos showed the picture of Phoebe and the scene of her and a man going in and out of high-class places.

She put the photos down and perused the documents inside.

She read through page by page. The further she read, the more her heart sank.

Armand Bernie said Phoebe told him that she left because she couldn’t give birth and didn’t want to implicate him. However, have a look at how many times she had gone to the hospital to have abortion over these years.

“How can she be so shameless? Is she still a woman?” Boyce grimaced. If it wasn’t his remaining sanity telling him that good men didn’t fight with women, he would have gone to beat her up and asked her how could she be so shameless.

She had left for a rich man last time.

She became a mistress for someone else!

The more Boyce thought about it, the angrier he was.

What he was angry about wasn’t that she had done these things, but was that she still came back to Armand after she had done these things.

Is she wanting Armand to be the receiver?

After reading the last page, Dolores tossed the document on the table as she knew why Phoebe would come back. It’s nothing more than she was now old and decrepit, and that man had married a wife, so she lost her hope and came back to try to win back Armand.


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