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Snare of Love novel Chapter 343

The woman was tied up, and she looked more disgraced than Theresa Gordon.

When Theresa saw the woman’s face, she was even more puzzled because she didn’t know this woman at all.

She felt that Phoebe Lewis must be crazy to kidnap so many people.

Phoebe’s hatred for this woman was deeper than her hatred for Theresa. This was because she was Cody’s wife, the woman who beat her and made her unable to get pregnant again.

Was a woman still complete if she couldn’t give birth?

Did she still have a future?

Phoebe crouched down in front of the woman. She stroked the woman’s hair that covered her eyes, and she laughed evilly, “Do you still remember this scene?”

At that time she was beaten, it was this woman who asked someone to tie her up so she couldn’t resist. She told someone to beat her fiercely, and she could still remember the pain.

The woman spitefully stared at Phoebe, “Bitch, how dare you kidnap me, are you ready to die?”

“Heh.” Phoebe sneered, “I’m ready to die. But if I can bring you three to die with me together, I’m not at a loss. One for three, it’s worth it.”

The woman’s face twisted fiercely as she hadn’t expected Phoebe to do this without thinking the consequences.

“What do you dare to do to me? Aren’t you afraid that Cody will kill you?”

Phoebe laughed even louder when she heard the woman’s words, “You think Cody loves you? Who did he love? Does he know what love is? He married you because your family is rich. Your families are of equal status and it helps his family’s business. You are just a marriage alliance. Do you know what a marriage alliance is? It’s a marriage between the two of you that brings convenience to your families and is just mutually beneficial. What’s the difference between both of you and a commodity?”

She grabbed the woman’s hair, and the woman grimaced with pain.

“You were born into a rich family, so you see me as a good bully, don’t you? Hmm?!” She pulled hair harder and the woman was grunted in pain, “I’ll give you money. Hurry up and let go of me.”

“Money?” Money didn’t matter to her now. She didn’t even have a future, so what did she need money for?

She just wanted to get back at those who had hurt her and made her unhappy!

She let go of the woman’s hair, then she took her phone out, “How about we play a game to see if Cody cares about you?”

The woman got a bit panicked, “Do you, do you know what you are doing?”

Phoebe with her face propped on her hand and showed a serious look, “This is the most clear-minded time I've ever been in my life.”

The woman only felt that Phoebe was crazy.

Phoebe was pleased to see the woman’s panicked look. She deliberately took her phone out slowly, and let the woman see Cody’s phone number on the phone. To stimulate this woman, she intentionally said things about her and Cody when they were together, “Cody is actually cheap. When I was young, he was eager to sleep in my bed every day.”

“That’s because you seduced him.” The woman wished she could spit on her face.

Phoebe smiled, “Nothing happens for no reason.”

Phoebe felt pleasant when she saw the woman’s awful look. The woman had used to look down on her and always treated her arrogantly. Now, she was humiliated by her as well.

“If I am not happy, it won't bring you anything good as well!” Phoebe called in a man. She stood up and looked down at the woman, “Cody doesn’t want me, and I won’t let him want you too!”

She looked at the man and coldly ordered him, “Take her clothes off.”

The woman was shocked, “How dare you!”

Phoebe disdainfully squinted at her, “What wouldn't I dare to do at this point? I’ll become like this because you guys forced me to.”

“Do it.” Just as she finished her sentence, she glanced at the man.

Phoebe had used up all her savings of these years to hire this man from the underworld.

Of course, these street thugs would do anything as long as they could make money.

With the main purpose of making money, they could also enjoy women.

The man looked lustfully at the woman on the ground. He rubbed his hands together and knelt to undress her.


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