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Snare of Love novel Chapter 421

Sean acted like he was too embarrassed to speak and silently sat on the sofa.

As if kept in suspense, Marina became anxious.

"Why are you not speaking?" Marina was close to yelling at him.

Sean pulled her close to him and put his arms around her shoulder, "Mum, do you know why I haven't found a girlfriend until now?"

"Why?" Marina rebuked in her heart. She wouldn't need to ask him if she had known the reason.

Sean pretended to be shy, "Forget it."

"Forget it?" Marina was so angry that she almost stood up. She looked at her son and said, "Why are you being so shy? Don't act sissy like a woman. Are you still my son?"

Sean blinked his eyes, thinking why her tone sounded like Jeffery's.

Was it true that a couple would act alike after spending a long time together?

"Hurry up and tell me. Who is it?" Marina was a little impatient.

She's really annoyed with Sean.

Sean did not continue being mysterious. He didn't want to make Marina even angrier, which wasn't worth it. He lowered his head, rubbed his nose, and said, "It's not anyone else, it's someone you know too. Our families are close, and she's slightly younger than me..."

Marina filtered through all this information in her mind and the only person who's matching was Chloe from the Chambers family. Someone she knew, whose family was close to theirs, and slightly younger than Sean...

She widened her eyes and looked at her son in panic and shock, "Are you referring to Chloe?"

After all, Jeffery was fixated on getting Chloe to marry Matthew.

How could she not be anxious?

Sean looked at Marina's stunned expression, "Can't I like her?"

Marina turned her head away, not daring to look at her son, "It's not that you can't."

"Then what's it about?" Sean intentionally put on a cold face and asked as if he was hurt by Marina's reaction. "We grew up together and have been close since young. Our families are close as well. What's more, she's someone who could meet your requirements, not to mention her family background which is similar to ours. You've watched Chloe grow up, isn't it perfect if I get to marry her?"

Sean had already thought about it before he came back; he must stop Jeffery from separating Matthew and Dolores.

He reckoned that it would be impossible to persuade Jeffery, but he had faith that he could convince Marina, hoping that she would argue with Jeffery for his happiness...

Then, there's still hope for this matter.

Even though it might not be the best solution, but this was what he could do.

Marina had never expected that the reason that Sean didn't get a girlfriend all this while was because of Chloe.


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