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Snare of Love novel Chapter 431

After the phone hung up, Landon put the phone on the table and said nervously, "We can only wait for the news."

Eddie poured him tea, "This time it will definitely be good news."

Landon didn't feel like drinking tea at all. This was the only one he had left. And, if they couldn't make it this time, as Eddie had said, it would be harder for them to catch Dolores again.

"I hope it's good news."

He looked at Eddie, "You can't abandon me."

Eddie looked gloomy and asked unhappily, "You don't trust me?"

"No." Landon poured him tea, "I just feel unsure ..."

Eddie gave him a meaningful look. He lifted his tea and put it to his lips. As soon as Dolores was arrested, this incident would soon reach Matthew's ears. It was the Herbert family who did this.

What did it have to do with him?

It wasn't his people who went to arrest Dolores.

The Herbert family was destined to disappear from City B.

He just used what was left of the Herbert family.

Landon should be glad he could still be used when he was in this situation.


The man returned to the ward. He was admitted to the police because of the Herbert family. He hadn't done anything for the Herbert family all these years. Now the Herbert family needed him, and he couldn't quit.

He clutched the arrest warrant tightly in his hand.

Matthew watched the change in him, realizing what he might do next. He glanced at Dolores, who never made a sound and sat very still.

Her hands under the covers gripped the sheets tightly. Her palms were sweaty. There were too many of them. If they really started to fight, Matthew would not be able to take care of her even if he was strong.

Although she was worried, she didn't show it.

If she wasn't pregnant, she wouldn't even have this worry because she trusted him. But now her body ...

He got more scruples because of her.

Matthew asked, "Are you afraid?"

Dolores shook her head, "My baby is strong."

In the past, when she had Samuel and Simona, she had a car accident, fell and jumped from a car that was driving at high speed. Her children were fine.

The man mustered up the courage, "I'm discharging my duty. No one can stop me. Take the suspect away!"

The man took the lead and rushed inside. The people behind him had the courage and rushed inside aggressively.

Matthew stood still. The buttons of his suit had been unbuttoned at some point. He was tall and looked tough and fierce. Just as the man was about to touch the hospital bed, Matthew suddenly got a gun in his hand and pressed it between the man's eyes.

At this moment, another group of people poured in and surrounded them. Someone said, "Be careful of the bullets! Behave yourselves!" The small room immediately became more crowded. Boyce pushed his way out of the crowd.

The people guarding the door went back to inform Boyce so he could arrive in time with his men.

"Say, who sent you?" Matthew pressed the gun closer between the man's eyes.

Boyce stood aside and glanced at Dolores. She seemed okay, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Gilbert was Jeffery's man. This time, it wasn't Gilbert who came, which meant that what happened this time probably had nothing to do with Jeffery.

Jeffery might have no energy right now. The doctor said he was not seriously injured, but he was physically hurt.

The arrest warrant in the man's hand fell to the ground. His hands trembled and he begged for mercy shakily, "I was just following the order. My boss ordered me to arrest her ... I couldn't refuse to do it."


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