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Snare of Love novel Chapter 438

Dolores Flores knew that if there wasn’t enough reason, she couldn’t convince Boyce Shawn. The reason she chose to send the message to him was because she could trust him, and she also believed that he could keep it as a secret.

“I will be going to meet Charles White.” She had gone to Charles’ place last time, and knew of the hotel he resided.

Boyce twitched the corner of his eyes; he knew clearly how Matthew Nelson hated Charles so much.

“Boyce, considering that you and Matthew have been brothers for a long time. What do you think I should do?” Dolores was actually conflicted deep inside.

She was afraid that because of her own selfishness, it would make Matthew regret.

At the end of the day, Victoria Forbis was his mother.

Boyce was baffled, “What do you want to say?”

“I am saying that if Victoria is Matthew’s real mother, should I tell him?” She stared at Boyce’s face, as she wanted an answer which would calm her down.

“How is that possible? If this is false, it’s totally impossible.” Boyce refused to believe it.

This was unthinkable.

Victoria was Matthew’s mother?

Stop making this kind of a joke.

“What I’m saying is true. If it’s true, should I tell him?” Dolores’ expression and voice clearly didn’t seem to be joking. Boyce then went silent.

After a moment, Boyce slowly spoke, “I don’t know, but I think that it would probably be hard deal with. Telling him that the person he has resented for a long time is actually his real mother? What kind of behavior and state of mind should he use to face this matter?”

He turned his head to Dolores, “Is this real?”

He felt that this was too strange; Victoria was Matthew’s mother?

“Jolene Harris and Jayden Nelson’s marriage is between two clans. Have you heard of this?” Dolores closed her lips, and her voice sounded low.

She felt that fate was fooling people.

“I had heard about it.”

“That time, Jolene liked another person, and had no feelings for Jayden. After the marriage, both of them were respectful and kind to each other like close friends, and they didn’t have body contact. Jolene felt sorry for Jayden, so she wanted to find a woman to be with him.”

“That woman is Victoria?” Boyce only felt shocked. How could there be such a thing.

She was finding a woman for her husband?

It was just because she didn’t like him?

“You probably know the strength of the Harris family. Jolene wanted to give this child a legitimate identity, so she lied. No one in the Harris family knew about it, and only the people involved knew the truth.” She didn’t elaborate on the details of the matter.

Boyce didn’t know what to say.

“But why are you going to see Charles? Don’t tell me that this thing has something to do with Charles?” Boyce felt that this old matter had involvement with many people.

“Since you had been to White City, you might have some idea of Charles’ life story. He is Nathan White’s adopted child, while Nathan was Victoria’s first love… That time, Jeffery Harris found out the relationship between Victoria and Jayden, and he felt that Victoria was the third party destroying his sister’s marriage…”

Boyce somehow had understood everything. That time in White City and Kevin Forbis, as well as the Gambiered Canton Gauze were related to the Forbis family.

“Charles had found the doctor who delivered Victoria’s baby. His goal is to join forces with Matthew, and bring down Jeffery. His adoptive father was harmed by Jeffery when he was alive.” Dolores explained.

“You don’t want Matthew to know about this?” Even though it was a question, it was in a positive mood.


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