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Snare of Love novel Chapter 455

“I’m truly sleepy,” she emphasized with a heavy tone.

Matthew was silent.

He held her tightly, his muscled chest clinging to her back. “I won’t do anything to you. Let’s sleep.”


At past six in the morning, the sun rose gradually from the east.


Dolores turned around, reaching out. She failed to touch a warm body. Gradually, she opened her eyes. Since she just woke up, she hadn’t adjusted herself to the sunshine yet and raised her hand to block it. There was no one beside her. His temperature also faded away. He should have left a long time ago.

She frowned. Matthew came back so late and went out so early today. She wondered if he had a good rest.

She sat up, grabbed her phone, and wanted to call him. When she found his caller ID, she didn’t tab to dial. She believed that he must be quite busy. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left so early. If she called him now, it might not be a good time.

Putting down the cell phone, she lifted the quilt, got off the bed, and went to the bathroom to tidy herself up. When she was squeezing the toothpaste, she heard the cell phone ringing on the bed. While brushing her teeth, she walked over t pick them up and saw a call from Boyce. She took out the toothbrush and swiped to answer the phone. From the other end of the line, she heard Boyce’s voice, “Morning, Dolores. Have you watched the news?”

“What news?”

“Hurry up to find the news today.”

Dolores felt quite confused. She started searching the morning news of City B on her phone. The headline on the top was about a murder in a bar. The police announced their investigation result -- a prisoner broke into the jail and was shot by the police. The video clip spread was edited by someone with an evil purpose, which was not true.

The police of City B had posted the whole investigation procedure on the micro-blog platform. They also warned the netizens about the public opinions of this case and told them not to believe or spread rumors, to contribute to social security.

This news was spread everywhere online in the morning. Dolores looked down, wondering if it was because of this matter that Matthew came back so late and went out so early.

“Dolores, seen it?” Boyce asked her again.

Dolores put the cell phone back to her ear and answered, “Yep.”

“The good show has just begun. The manipulator behind it wouldn’t escape, either.”

“Do you mean Jeffery Harris?”

“Nah. It’s Eddie Chambers.”

“Eddie Chambers?” Dolores was surprised, wondering if this matter was brought up by Jeffery.

“In fact, Eddie had done some tricks behind this matter. He used Jeffery’s disfavor of you and planned the whole thing. Sampson Herbert and Maria Herbert were both his chess pieces. He used them to make the Herbert family take revenge on you. Behind the scene, he wanted to achieve his goals just like two dogs strive for a bone and a third one runs away with it. He has thought that no one would know his schemes, but he didn’t know that we have already had all his crime evidence...”

After meeting Jeffery that night, Matthew went to meet Landon.

If it weren’t that Jeffery had given up first and actively withdrew the case, he would be involved in this matter as well.

At that time, Matthew asked Boyce to meet Landon for testing if Landon had worked with Eddie to kill Sampson.

However, it turned out that he hadn’t. It was just a deal between Eddie and Sampson. Sampson knew that he would definitely die, so he mailed a letter to the Herberts before going to the bar. Eddie had come to him and told him that if he was willing to die, Sampson could help the Herbert family as well as rescue Maria. Hence, Sampson agreed.

Sampson was quite willing to sacrifice himself to exchange Maria’s freedom and benefits for his family.

However, the letter was received by Landon when Boyce went to meet him.

Boyce also told him about Maria’s death and showed him the evidence.

It wasn’t until that time did Landon realize that he was used by Eddie. After knowing the truth, Landon wouldn’t be willing to let go of Eddie at all.

He was also alert to Eddie. Whenever they met and talked, Landon recorded it through videos. He was afraid that Eddie would put him to blame so he could use the videos to threaten Eddie.

However, it had become the evidence to show what kind of role Eddie was playing in this whole thing.

Plus, Maria’s death also led every clue to Eddie. Hence, he would definitely be arrested by the police for further investigation.

The senior management of the military was busy with a crime crackdown recently. At this critical moment, Eddie had committed crimes. He wouldn’t have a good ending.


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