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Snare of Love novel Chapter 462

The wind outside of the window was getting stronger. The tree branches were swaying and creaking, forming countless dark wavering shadows outside the window.

The clock on the wall was tick-tocking.

After a long while, Dolores's legs were a little numb, and felt that her body was slightly warm. Matthew carried her upstairs and put her in bed. She was feeling a little drowsy. In the morning, she felt a little cold when she got in the rain, but she didn't care about it.

But now, after she laid herself in the blankets, she still felt a little cold.

She could vaguely hear someone said, "Go to sleep."

She slightly opened her eyes and blurrily looked at him, asking concernedly, "What about you."

Dolores didn't get a response. She felt very sleepy, these few days she hadn't rest much, and today was particularly exhausting for her.

Her consciousness was gradually drained from her and soon, she fell into a deep slumber.

She was awoken by a loud thunderclap in the middle of the night.

The room was dark, and only a dim and warm yellow light was lit on the bedside table. The windows were shut tight, and from the curtains, she could vaguely see the water droplets on the glass, pouring from the heavy rain.

There was no one beside her. The bedsheets were neat, and only her side was creased. Matthew didn't lay down on the bed. She recalled how he behaved in the study, Dolores got out of bed, went downstairs, and pushed the study's door. There was no one inside, and the only sound she could hear was the dripping sound from the rain outside.

She searched the whole villa but couldn't find him.

She desperately knocked on Boyce's door. It just so happened that Boyce was awoken by the thunderclap as well, so he immediately opened his door when he heard the knocking sound. Dolores stood at the door and asked anxiously, "He's gone missing."

Boyce furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"

Matthew had gone missing?

"Wait for me, I'll go and change." Boyce shut the door and went into his room.

Dolores stood in the living room and looked outside. Due to the rain, the sky was very dark, and she couldn't see even a sliver of light. She opened the door, and the cold wind instantly blew in. Dolores shivered in the cold breeze, wore her slippers, and went to the garage. There was one less car, so Matthew must have gone out.

Boyce came out and saw Dolores standing outside in thin clothes. He frowned and said, "Even though the weather is getting warm, but it's still cold if it rains. Go and wear something thicker, I'll find him together with you.”

Dolores turned around and looked at him, "I might know where he has gone to."

If she had an idea, that would be easier. Boyce urged her to change into thicker clothes. Dolores thought that she might have a fever as she was still feeling a little dizzy, but what's important now was to look for Matthew first.

She wore a jacket and changed her shoes. Then, Boyce held the umbrella and walked her to the car.

"Let's go to the Q cemetery."

Boyce tilted his head and looked at her, but he didn't say anything and drove in the direction of Q cemetery. The whole City B was engulfed in the heavy rain which was raging wildly.

A black figure stood on the green stoned steps in Q cemetery. The chrysanthemums on the ground and the scent of the rain were entangled together, making it looked even more rueful.

A man silently stood in front of the lonely tombstone, looking at the black-and-white photo on the stone tablet.

The first time he saw her was when Jayden brought her back home. At that time, he thought that this woman was the reason that he lost his mother. When the maid handed her a teacup, he blatantly knocked it to the ground and smashed the porcelain cup, splashing hot tea everywhere. She immediately ran over to him. However, instead of rebuking him for being unreasonable, she was checking he's hurt or not.

At that time, he thought that this woman was very good at pretending.

She pretended to be concerned about him, pretended that she was nervous and caring like she was his own mother.

When he realized that she was actually his own biological mother, he couldn't take the step and address her, even though she was right in front of him.

He was angry with her, resented her for hiding this secret from him for so many years.

However, after he listened to what Kevin said, he knew that all his resentment, his anger, and his unacceptable attitude were all so minute in front of her sacrifice.

She was confined for six years. The best time and years of her life were mercilessly taken away from her. She gave up the ancestral business of the Forbis family just so that she could stay beside him.


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