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Snare of Love novel Chapter 473

Dolores lowered her head and kissed her daughter’s hair. She would miss him too but had to leave out of no choice. If Matthew knew that Jeffrey was his uncle and Jolene was her mother.

When he faced Victoria’s death, what would he do? Would he stop for her sake?

Or would he ignore her feelings and let Jeffrey lose all his reputation?

Although she had no feelings for the Harris family, the blood ties could not be changed.

If they were to meet again, there would definitely be a gap among them.

Instead of making things difficult for him, she planned to withdraw herself from his life now and let him do whatever he wanted to do.

He would scruple about her if she was around.

She did not want to put him in trouble. She did not want him to stop doing the things that he wanted to do and felt regret for the rest of his life.

At this moment, as she faced her daughter’s words, she did not know how to answer.

The only thing she could do was to hold her tightly and warm her with the warmth of her body.

“Mummy.” Simona buried her head in Dolores’ arms, not knowing if she was affected by Dolores’ emotions, she said in a low voice, “I won’t ask anymore, mummy don’t be sad.”

She kissed her daughter’s forehead, “With you guys by mummy’s side, mummy won’t be sad.”

The scenery outside the car window kept receding. The city was still bustling. The streets were still full of people.

She looked out of the car window and her expression darkened.

She had already missed him when she just left.

The two children were quiet at the moment. She took out her phone and clicked on the messages page. There were so many words she wanted to tell him, but she did not know where to start from when she tried to message him.

She stared at the phone screen for a long time. When it went black, she pressed it again to light it up, many times over and over again ...

On the other hand, Matthew arrived at the hospital. Jessica was slightly stunned when she saw him. He had come once on the day when she was admitted to the hospital. After that, he did not visit her anymore, only Boyce visited her sometimes.

“Is Dolores okay?” Jessica voiced out first. She had been worried about Dolores. She looked repulsed that day.

Matthew narrowed his eyes, as if he sensed that something was wrong. Boyce said that Jessica wanted to talk to him about Dolores, so he did not go to the company to see Sean. As it was about Dolores, he came here first.

However, judging from Jessica’s look, it seemed Jessica did not have anything to talk to him.

What did Dolores want to do?

No ...

He seemed to realize what Dolores wanted to do. When he turned around to leave, Jessica called out to him, “That day when Dolores came, she knew about my situation. She is pregnant now, so I can only ask you to take more care of her. I said something that I shouldn’t have said that day. You help me tell her, if she doesn’t want to know, I won’t mention it again in the future.”

Matthew turned around to look at her, his face was cold, “What did you say that day?”

Jessica turned around and walked to the window. He and Dolores were husband and wife now, there was nothing to hide from him.

She hesitated for a moment before speaking slowly, “Dolores is now your wife, you have the right to know about her, I won’t hide it from you, I am not her biological mother, her biological mother is Jolene.”

That was after she married Randolph. She had been taking Chinese herbs to do the regimen because she could not get pregnant because of the cold in her womb. After half a year of treatment, she finally conceived a child.

At that time, Randolph was also happy. Beulah did not interrupt their marriage yet as Randolph had not yet revealed his true colour.


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