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Snare of Love novel Chapter 497

It would be just fine if Armand hadn’t said that. But the mid-aged man walked even faster and wiped his forehead from time to time after he heard what Armand said. He seemed to be scared by Armand.

“Do you know her, Boyce?” The manager of the restaurant asked Boyce because he saw Boyce have a chat with Jasmine just now, they obviously knew each other.

But how Boyce would know a poor college student with his background?

Boyce hummed. He knew the manager knew who he was and the relationship between him and Matthew. If he said something for the student, the manager would definitely treat her well.

“Please do take care of her, you know she just started working and has no much idea about how the society is like .”

The manager smiled, “Of course, as you already said that. I know what to do.”

After a small chat with the manager, Boyce went back to the seat. Armand laughed at Boyce with a teasing expression. How lovely a heroic rescue story was! It was really rare to see. But how come he was careless to the young lady?

Armand felt anxious about Boyce. By what time would he know how to win a woman’s heart? When would he be able to get married? He even came back to have dinner instead of comforting that beauty!

This was such a fantastic chance to ‘hook’ her. It was easy for a student who just started working to get touched if he knew how to show off in front of her.

This dummy just came back without doing anything!

Jasmine staring at Boyce’s back and then slowly lowered her sight.She didn’t expect to meet him here, not to mention that he could save her again.

The manager patting Jasmine’s shoulder to encourage her, “Do your best. I thought you had a poor background, but I didn’t expect you knew him. Do you know what does he do?”

Jasmine nodded without hiding anything. When they met last time, it was him who sent her the money which her money gave her. She remembered him was an Criminal Police Captain from his introduction, which made her admire him.

She knew she probably misunderstood him last time as he was indifferent to her today.

The manger pointed a mansion across the street, “He is quite close to the CEO of WY Group, and you met him before?”

Jasmine thought maybe she did. There were three men in the private room that day, now there were only two of them here. But the manager asked if she knew Mr. Nelson. Maybe the one who was not here was the CEO of WY Group.

“I may have met him before.” Jasmine answered honestly.

The manager took a glance at Jasmine meaningfully, she was young and pretty, “From what I know, they are all singles.”

What the manager said seemed like implying that no matter who she could hook with, it would a wining situation for her. They were all rich, powerful and handsome.

It was not easy finding people like that, she would have chose them if she wasn’t married.

It was too late for a person like her age and appearance.

Jasmine was still innocent and didn’t interpret her deep meaning, she could only considered it as gossiping.

“Go clean the floor. Be extra careful and smart next time.” The manager reminded Jasmine after taking a peak of where Armand and Boyce sat at.

Jasmine nodded her head, “Yes will do, it won’t happen again, I promise.”

Then she took the mop and duster cloth to wipe off all the glasses and damp.

“Don’t you have any sympathy?” Armand looked at Jasmine’s thin figure squatting there cleaning and asked Boyce.

“Psycho.” Boyce didn’t even look at that side. He truly had no idea about her even though he was really trying to find a wife. But he knew it wouldn’t be her because she was too young, and he was over 12 years old than her. He would feel guilty if he did so.

He thought it was immoral to find a girlfriend at her age.

What if people misunderstood she was his daughter? Wasn’t it too embarrassed?

Armand was quite annoyed at him. He finally decided to do something to rescue his best friend from life of a bachelor. So he stood up from his seat and took a glance at Boyce, “You are so lucky to have such a good friend like me, otherwise you will be a single forever.”

“What are you doing?” Boyce thought he was going to do something bad.

He was so upset.


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