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Snare of Love novel Chapter 518

As he gazed, he reminisced on the way Dolores Flores held him and kissed him all over. Although she seemed out of her consciousness, but he adored how she was filled with energy and alive, her senses all awaken and overflowed with passion for him. Her true emotions were incisively and vividly shown to him, with nothing left unseen.

That brilliant radiance she emitted made him happy.

He had only been with her for a few hours, but that was enough to fill the void in him for that period.

He was in such good spirits after meeting her that he had forgotten to constrain his expression, his face was an open book. When Armand Bernie who stood across the office table saw Matthew Nelson let out a rare smile, he immediately thought he was seeing things. He rubbed his eyes for confirmation, but that guy was still beaming.

“You, did you pick up money from the ground or something?” What could possibly have made him so happy?

That was truly a rare sight of him.

It appeared to be something on his phone that was the cause of this, Armand then stretched his head over to see what it was all about. Alas, Matthew snapped out of his thoughts and locked his phone screen before Armand had the chance to take a closer look. He regained his composure and gave him a heavy glance.

Armand scratched his head and felt that he was being petty.

‘I just wanted a peek, if you don’t want to show me then so be it, why the fierce look?’

Suddenly, a call came through, it was the head of the public relations department, “Mr. Nelson, you were looking for me?”

Matthew’s gaze returned onto the computer screen, “Have you seen the news?”

The voice over the line affirmed his question.

“I had a look at it, the picture was circulated out by accident, and no one seems to be behind this. Contact the media to stop the spread.”

After he had seen the news, he specifically searched for the channel that started the spread and found out that it was from someone’s personal account. There weren’t many views initially, and only a few discussed in the comments. It only became a sensation when a huge media influencer noticed the news and reposted it.

As long as it wasn’t an operation, the situation could be handled with ease.

“Very well, Mr. Nelson, I’ll settle this.”

Matthew hummed in response and ended the call. He grabbed his phone from the table and picked up his coat that draped over the chair as he stood up, then peered at Armand, “You’ll have to make another trip to the school. There’s a student’s Weibo that goes by the name of ‘I AM Ketchup’, inform the school authorities to let him write a statement. After that, I’ll allow the public relations department and the media to forward it out for clarification.”

He then walked out of the office.

Armand was still puzzled and shouted, “What about the picture? How do I explain that?”

After all, the real person was at the top, how was this going to be explained clearly then?

Matthew didn’t turn his back, “Let the public relations department handle this.”

The agenda was to prevent the incident from getting out of hand by removing the piece of news from the media and have the issue clarified by the original poster. As for the legitimacy of the photo, it was a problem they could solve by providing a reasonable explanation.

Armand nodded, “Alright then, I’ll go back to the school.”

Matthew stepped out without a reply. He really needed a shower and a change of clothes as his shirt had stuck to his body, it was an unpleasant feeling.

Armand took one look at Jasmine Burke, he couldn’t possibly send Jasmine back to school again, that would just be bothersome to her.

As he was in a dilemma of figuring out what to do with Jasmine, the phone in his pocket rang, it was Boyce Shawn who called. He noticed the caller description and answered it immediately, he spoke first, “How are you doing?”

“I just got back to the bureau, I’ll be meeting the leader in a while. Have you seen Jasmine? How is she?”

Armand glanced back at Jasmine who was silent, and thought to himself, ‘These two really have some chemistry, the first thing they did was to ask about each other.’

“She’s fine and she’s here with me. You better be more concerned for yourself, don’t go throwing your job away. A dull person like you will never be able to survive in the workplace.” Armand purposely called him out like that in front of Jasmine. If this was not resolved well, things wouldn’t go as far as him getting fired, but he would be punished.

“Boyce, Officer Miller will now see you in his office.”

Armand could hear a voice over the phone line, it was quickly followed by Boyce’s voice, “I have some matters to deal with, I’ll contact you later.”

He hung up before Armand had a chance to say anything.

Jasmine asked, “Was that Boyce earlier?”

Armand nodded, “I’m guessing he is getting lectured right now.”

“Can you tell me which bureau he is in? I want to go see him.” Jasmine knew that it wasn’t an appropriate time to be meeting up with him, but she wouldn’t make a mess, “I’ll wait outside, I won’t show my face to cause him any trouble.”

Armand stared at her for two seconds, and agreed, “Alright, I’ll give you a ride.”

He had planned his route, he would first send Jasmine over and let Boyce’s subordinates handle the rest, then make his way back to the school.


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