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Snare of Love novel Chapter 528

"Here you go." Andrew pushed a bowl in front of Armand.

Armand's eyes widened, "What are you doing?"

"You step on this bowl and sing the whole ‘SONG OF PIG’, and I'll tell you where Theresa is," Andrew said unhurriedly.

Armand was speechless.

"Even I can crush this bowl, I guess," Amanda interjected. This bowl was made of porcelain and looked thin. Armand could definitely crush it with one foot!

"See, even your sister knows you're imposing." Armand looked to Amanda gratefully. Fortunately, there was someone who was on his side.

He wasn't alone.

"Brother, I think you should let Armand put this bowl on his head and stand in the hall and sing ‘Divine Tune’. If he finishes singing and no one laughs at him, then you can tell him where Theresa is."

Armand's face darkened increasingly as Amanda spoke.

If he really did what he was told, people would definitely take him for a lunatic!

Besides, how could they not laugh?

Even if he just put this bowl on his head, people would laugh at him, okay?

Why did she go even further than Andrew?

"Who are you really like?"

Amanda buried herself in Matthew's arms, blinking with a timid expression, "You called me dumb last time."

Armand was speechless.

How could she hold a grudge?

Dolores was a very gentle woman. Why did she have these two scheming kids?

When they grew up, what else would they do?

Andrew gave a thumbs up to his sister. She was amazing! And her idea was just perfect to his liking.

Compared to her idea, his was nothing. He wasn't cruel as she was.

"Armand, do you remember what I said when you married Theresa?" he looked at Armand and said seriously, "If you bully Theresa, we'll kick your ass."

Armand was speechless.

Why did he have such a good memory?

He even remembered this?

"It's okay if you don't want to, and it only proves that you don't care about Theresa that much. You're not even willing to make such a small sacrifice. Then in the future, please don't bother her anymore. If she has a new boyfriend, you have to bless her," Andrew finished what he wanted to say at once.

Theresa had lived with them for the past two months from Country A to here. They were family. In his eyes, Theresa was real close to him.

He was Theresa's family. She had no brothers and sisters, no relatives to protect her. Then he would protect Theresa who had always taken care of him and his sister.

He must make Armand suffer. That way, they could take it out on him for Theresa.

Armand opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, because Andrew had a point.

He was an asshole!

His eyes turned to Theresa on the side. She was calm and just watched.

No one but Theresa was this close to Dolores and was able to bring these two kids out without Dolores' knowledge.

He could understand that she had changed her face. After all, she had suffered an explosion, but how had her voice changed?

Did she hurt her voice too?


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