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Snare of Love novel Chapter 552

Boyce sat upright. The door was pushed open, and Declan showed up. Boyce whispered, “He’s here.”

Then he heard Declan’s hypocritical laughter. “I’m sorry. I was busy with something earlier. I’m so late. I hope you haven’t waited for a long time.”

“Mr. Bailey, you are quite busy. We surely can understand. We’re living in the modern world, and the hospitality shouldn’t be quite important.” Boyce had a different meaning between the lines.

Declan didn’t show hospitality because he was impolite. They didn’t mind because they were generous.

Upon hearing it, Declan looked a bit annoyed. With a smile, he said, “Mr. Shawn, you got promoted higher and higher, and you are becoming more and more sharp-tongued.”

“Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Bailey. I’m just nobody, incomparable to you.” Boyce also smiled at him.

Everyone knew how to fake being friendly.

Declan didn’t continue with this subject. He looked over at Matthew. “Mr. Nelson, have you fallen asleep while waiting for me?”

Boyce wanted to answer, but Matthew gradually opened his eyes. He didn’t look as sleepy as he had just woken up. His eyes were extremely clear. He chuckled and said, “Mr. Bailey, your nightclub is such a good place. I couldn’t help falling asleep.”

Declan laughed out. “Of course. If it was not a good place, it would be built in this location and have become so well developed during these years.”

He implied that how powerful he was and how stronger his backer was.

Sitting on the sofa, he opened up his arms and lay against the back of the sofa. “Mr. Nelson, you are too petty. You hid a beautiful woman so secretly. Are you afraid that I would compete with you?”

Matthew squinted, a dangerous light flashing through his eyes.

On the surface, he looked indifferent and said with a smile, “Mr. Bailey, I’m sure you’ve seen all kinds of beauties before. Even I have a woman by my side, she’s not a beauty.”

“Mr. Nelson, you are so modest. The woman named...” Declan pretended to be forgetful. Supporting his forehead, he kept ringing the bell. It seemed that he had recalled, so he hit his thigh and continued regretfully, “Oh, I got it. Her name is Dolores Flores. Last time, I met her once in City C. I have a crush on her. Mr. Nelson, if you’re tired of her one day, can you send her to me?”

Matthew grabbed his collar instantly. His eyes twinkled with a trace of anger that he failed to suppress, which became more and more fierce. In the end, it surged to the tip of his fingers. The blue veins on the back of his hand popped out. Declan couldn’t breathe while being strangled. His face became reddened. However, he still forced a smile and continued boldly, “Mr. Nelson, why are you so angry? Is it because you care too much about that woman? Of course, you’ve hidden her in City C. I can tell how much you treasure her. I wonder how skillful she is in bed, so she has gained your heart...”

“You do have a death wish!” No one had noticed his movements. They only heard the wine bottle crack. The rose wine flew all over the floor, emanating the fragrance of alcohol, but it was a thrilling moment in the box.

Matthew pointed at Declan’s chin with the sharp fracture of the broken wine bottle. It cut him, and blood beads oozed instantly.

Declan frowned in pain. He didn’t look so arrogant as he was before, because he saw the murderous look in Matthew’s eyes.

Boyce gaped next to them. He had never seen Matthew’s eyes so violent and cold.

All the time, Matthew had been the most mature and calmest one. This was the first time he completely emanated the violence in his bones.

“You... You... Don’t forget I have a woman named Theresa Gordon in my hand. If I died, she would die with me. No! My father wouldn’t let go of you either!”

He was Roger’s son when Roger was quite old. If he died, the Bailey family would avenge him at all cost.

Boyce was brought back to his senses by Declan’s voice. He whispered to Matthew, “We’ll have plenty of chances in the future.”

Right now, Declan had kidnapped Theresa. They couldn’t win against Declan at all. They must try to rescue her first and get even with this bastard.

Declan raised his hands. “Mr. Nelson, please don’t be angry. We should talk nicely. I’m sorry for what I said just now. I’m sorry... It’s truly my fault...”

As he spoke, he secretly moved back. Matthew noticed it, but he didn’t stop Declan.

After all, Declan as Theresa as his trump card, so Matthew had to compromise.

When moving to a safe area, Declan hopped off the sofa and stood aside. He reached out to wipe his neck. Seeing the bloodstain, he couldn’t help shivering. If Matthew had cut him more deeply, he probably would die here for real.

With reddish eyes, Declan shouted in anger, “Are you nuts?”

Matthew tightened his sleeves slowly. “I’m just kidding. Mr. Bailey, don’t take it so seriously.”

“I’m bleeding. Kidding with me? Do you think I’m a fool?” Declan breathed heavily. He almost overturned the table.

“If I were not kidding, do you think I truly wanted to kill you, Mr. Bailey?” Matthew looked up at him and said, “I came here today not to become your enemy. Mr. Bailey, if you insist on having a life-and-death struggle with me, neither of us would get any benefit.”

Declan squinted. “It has nothing to do no matter how fiercely you fought against Jeffery Harris. But you dragged me into the mere. Do you think I’m a pushover?”

He had his tempers.


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