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Snare of Love novel Chapter 580

Dolores refused it without hesitation, “No way.”

Matthew, “…”

He leaned towards her again and rubbed his body against hers, “I think I should prove my love to you on the bed. Drinking soup can't prove my love to you at all…”

Dolores pushed his head aside, “Don't be so cheeky. I just want you to prove it in this manner.”

Matthew, “…”

Did this mean he couldn't say “no” to it?

He lost all his appetite when looking at the oil on the soup. But to prove his love, he braced himself and prepared to drink the soup. But right at this moment, Dolores grabbed his wrist and said with a smile, “It’s a joke.”

“Is it very funny to joke with me, huh?” He looked at Dolores and asked, “Aren't you afraid of causing a waste?”

Dolores lifted her chin and gestured him to look at Cotton who was sitting on the ground and wagging its tail, “You feel it hard, but Cotton doesn't think so.”

Matthew, “?”

Dolores took the bowl from him and walked towards the dog’s bowl which was placed beside the windows. Cotton seemed to realize that it was going to have something to eat. It wagged its tail and followed Dolores.

Dolores poured the soup into the dog’s bowl and reached out to stroke Cotton’s head. Cotton rubbed its head against her palm. Its fur was very silky. Thinking that Amanda was still angry at her, Dolores turned around to look at Matthew and said, “Spare some time and take Amanda to the pet store.”

Matthew replied with a nasal sound. He didn't ask why they had to go to the pet store. Amanda complained about Dolores today, so it must be Amanda who required this.

Cotton stunk out his tongue o drink the soup in the bowl and made some sounds.

Dolores stood up and took the bowl into the kitchen. When she squeezed out some washing-up liquid and prepared to wash the bowl, there suddenly came a fetal movement from her belly. The little fetus kicked her with great force and a large area of her bully budged. Its movement was so sudden that Dolores gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Matthew walked over and asked. Dolores looked up at him and said with a smile, “The fetus in my belly moved just now.”

“Really?” Matthew hurriedly squatted down in front of her and checked her belly. With one hand putting on the edge of the washing-up sink to support herself, Dolores held up his hand and put it on her belly. Several seconds later, the little fetus moved again. The movement was not stronger than the previous movement, it was enough for people to feel it.

Matthew spluttered with excitement, “It… It moved. I felt it.”

Dolores chuckled, “You can come to the hospital with me next moment. We can see the baby’s appearance through the B-ultrasonography.

It was already five-month-old and its ears, mouth, eyes and the fours had already fully grown.

Matthew agreed to it and then lifted her night dress. Dolores furrowed her brows, subconsciously wanting to pull down her dress. She asked, “What are you doing?”

“I want to get closer to it.” Matthew didn't want to feel it separated by the cloth. Seeing the lights in his eyes, Dolores knew that he yearned for it and didn't refuse it again.

Matthew put his palm on the skin of her belly. Maybe the baby in her belly felt it and gave him a reaction. It moved violently this time and there was an apparent bulge on her belly.

If the movement was too violent, the mother would feel light pain. But this was normal.

Looking at his hand which was placed on her belly, Dolores suddenly found his hand was similar to that of the medical intern who made an examination in City C for her last time.

“Grab my arm.”

Matthew looked up at her in confusion and asked, “Why?”

Dolores didn't answer his question and reached out her arm and paused in front of him. According to her requirement, Matthew grabbed her arm. It was this feeling! She asked, “Matthew, did you…”

“It moved again. Dolores, can I hear its heartbeats?” Matthew suddenly interrupted her. When thinking over it now, Dolores found there were many suspicious aspects before. Theresa promised to accompany her to the examination before, but she asked a medical intern to take care of her, found an excuse and left.

Now when thinking over it again, the height and figure of that medical intern matched with Matthew’s completely.

No wonder she would be aroused when he touched her.

Dolores asked with a smile, “Matthew, is this funny?”

Matthew was completely immersed in the fetus’ movement and didn't have the time to think over Dolores words. He replied incongruously, “It’s not about fun, it's the wonder of life.”

When speaking, he put his ear on her belly.

Dolores, “…”

“What are you doing?”


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