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Snare of Love novel Chapter 613

The two looked at each other, and at the same time, they thought that she would do something to herself silly. They walked in quickly together and found Jasmine Burke fainted on the ground.

Boyce Shawn checked her condition. Fortunately, she wasn’t out of hand, but maybe she fainted because of too much sadness.

As he picked her up and headed out, he looked back at that person, “I might have to take her to the hospital. Call me if something happens at the office.”

That person said yes.

Boyce went out of the office holding her. He put her in the back seat of the car parked in front of the door, sat on the driving seat and started the car.

On the way to the hospital, Jasmine woke up to see where she was, and asked with a hoarse and weak voice, “Where are you taking me?”

Boyce looked back at her and said, “To the hospital.”

“I’m fine, I don’t want to go to the hospital.” She propped herself up to sit up and Boyce pulled over to the side of the road and turned to look at her, “So where do you want to go?”

Jasmine was lost. Except for the school, she didn’t have any place to live outside. She suddenly realized that she had nothing. She tried her best to make a living, but life was too hard for her.

Even the last of her family had been taken away.

“I think that in my past life I must have been a horrible person. I hurt so many people, that’s why I’m receiving so many punishments now. Otherwise, how could God treat me like this?” She sobbed, and tears ran down her cheeks.

Boyce didn’t know how to comfort her, “Don’t say like that.”

She clasped her hands around her knees and curled up, “If not, then why has God treated me in that way?”

“There are many people who are less fortunate than you. You have been admitted to a good university, so after you will have a good life,” Boyce persuaded.

Jasmine chuckled in a daze, “What does this mean? Before I wanted to go to a good university, have a good job after graduation, make a lot of money and let my mother have a good life. But after, why should I still work so hard to make money? Who should I give it to?”

Boyce pursed his lips.

‘She definitely must feel very lonely, but she still should make efforts to keep living.’

‘You can only live once. No matter what’s the reason, you can’t give up.’

“If you have no place to go, then come to my place. I wait for you to calm down, and after I’ll bring you over.” Boyce was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to get over it alone, so he wanted to take her back to his place to watch her and prevent some accidents to happen.

“I don’t want to,” Jasmine refused. She just wanted to be left alone. She pushed open the car door and got down.

Boyce followed her, “Where are you going?”

“I want to stay alone, don’t follow me.” Jasmine walked quickly because she was afraid of being stopped by Boyce. She didn’t notice the steps under her feet so she accidentally tripped on them and almost fell down. Boyce grabbed her arm with a quick movement, so that she didn’t fall down. When he was about to speak, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his cell phone and answered. It was Officer Miller, who wanted to see him.

He looked at Jasmine and said, “I’m outside…”

“No matter if you are outside, come back as soon as possible.” Officer Miller’s tone was very solemn.

Boyce had to go back immediately. “Just ten minutes.”

He murmured and hang up the phone. He didn’t want to leave Jasmine alone, so he decided to take her with him. “Let’s go back to the office together, then we’ll come out again.”

“I don’t want to,” Jasmine refused again.

Boyce said patiently, “Where are you going alone?”

She didn’t reply.

Because she had nowhere to go.


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