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Snare of Love novel Chapter 622

Matthew Nelson could probably guess what he did. His eyes turned colder as he stared at Declan Bailey, “Really?”

“Is this still not a good example? John Kinney? Boyce Shawn?” Declan mockingly laughed, “You still have a chance right now. Just beg me. Beg me. Then maybe I would show some mercy and spare him. What do you think?”

He became more and more shameless. He also laughed wildly, “Just say, I was wrong, Mr. Bailey. I was too blind to go against you. Please have mercy. Then maybe I would just let Boyce go.”

Matthew narrowed his eyes and stared at him. Extreme anger poured out of his eyes. However, it was quickly hidden in his poker face, “I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you, Mr. Bailey.”

Declan suddenly stood straight, “Can’t you still see what’s happening?”

“Mr. Bailey, you’ve taught very well. I just haven’t learned it yet. Perhaps, you can teach me again?” Matthew was very calm. He didn’t pay attention to his mockery at all.

Declan was furious, “What do you have to be so arrogant about, Matthew? Isn’t it just that you’re richer than me? But when it comes to connections and power, you’re not better than me.”

Matthew laughed, “How do you know that I’m not better than you?”

There was always some sort of secretive and deceitful calculation in his laugh. This made Declan’s skin crawl.

However, after thinking carefully, the most competent person he had was Boyce. He never talked to the Harris family. Besides, how could Jeffery Harris help him when his own reputation was already broken?

And what use could that Armand Bernie have?

His father and the husbands of his so many sisters were all not ordinary people. He had connections everywhere, so it would be easy for him to do what he wanted.

With that thought, Declan immediately gained confidence.

“Don’t try to fool me!”

Matthew was still calm, “Do you know what the difference is between us?”

Declan asked, “What?”

“You do have connections and a lot of ways, but you forgot that it’s easier to deal with those on the plain sight, just like how you framed Boyce. However, you don’t know what connections I have and how powerful I am.”

Declan felt nervous from Matthew’s strategic confidence, “What, what do you mean?”

There was a saying that says it would be easy to dodge a spear in the open, but it would be hard to avoid a hidden arrow. It was obvious that what Matthew said meant that he has a power nobody else knew.

“Mr. Bailey, don’t you have any comprehensive ability?” He mockingly said.

Declan had always been an impatient person and never a poised man. So he was provoked by just a few words from Matthew.

“You just meant that you have connections,” Declan didn’t believe him, but he didn’t completely doubt him.

It was very contradicting. He didn’t know if what he said was real or he was just lying to him.

“Even if you have connections, you won’t necessarily be able to win against me,” Declan wasn’t as confident as before, but he still threatened him as usual, “Let’s wait and see.”

He angrily walked out just when Armand brought Boyce over, so they bumped into each other at the door.

“Hey, isn’t this Mr. Bailey?” Armand glanced at him from top to bottom and sneered, “What’s with that long face? Did you dad die?”

Declan grabbed Armand by the collar and ruthlessly said, “Do you want to die?”

Armand wasn’t afraid at all. He smiled and said, “What would you do to me if I want to die? Look clearly where this place is.”

Declan came alone. If he really fought with Armand, he wouldn’t be at the advantage. So, although he was feeling extremely angry inside, he still let go.

“I won’t let you get away with this!”

Armand dusted the non-existent dust away from his body, “I’ll wait for you. Bring it on!”

They stared at each other. If eyes could become weapons, then they were definitely killing each other at this moment.

“Boyce,” Declan sneered and strode out.

Armand was dumbfounded. Why did he suddenly call out Boyce’s name?

‘Is his brain messed up?’

“Why did he call you?” Armand turned his head to Boyce and asked.


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