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Snare of Love novel Chapter 654

Theresa left the lounge sensibly and closed the door behind her.

Matthew helped her hold the hemline of the wedding dress and let her sit on the sofa. He asked, “What do you want to tell me?”

Dolores reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck, making him look into her eyes.

They were so close that their breathes intertwined. Matthew wrapped around her waist. His deep eyes were twinkling. He slowly approached her ear and whispered, “What do you want to tell me?”

He was way too close, so Dolores slightly blushed. When she was about to speak, her lips were sealed by his warm lips.

She slowly closed her eyes. Her curly eyelashes slightly trembled next to his. She felt his breath. She didn’t move at all, enjoying the passionate kiss from his soft but hot lips.

Dolores wrapped his neck and kissed him back. After a long while, Matthew finally released her. They looked into each other’s eyes. She found the lipstick that stained his lips, so she reached out to wipe it off for him, “I’m so happy today.”

“Because you’ve married me?” Matthew faked that he didn’t understand what she meant. He knew that she was referring to the Harris family.

Dolores paused wiping for him. Knowing that he said it on purpose, she intentionally pressed his lips with her fingers. She said, “Don’t flatter yourself. What’s so happy about marrying you...”

Before she finished her words, Matthew grabbed her hand, pressed her on the sofa, and trapped her with his body. Supporting himself with arms on the sofa to avoid press her belly, he said while raising his eyebrows, “Aren’t you happy to marry me? Who do you want to marry then?”

Dolores didn’t dodge. Blinking, she gazed at him, “I want to marry my children’s father, a man who can bring me to surprise in the wedding. I want to marry a man named Matthew Nelson...”

Matthew let out a muffled laugh. Reaching out, he pinched her nose, “It’s still the daytime. Are you luring me now?”

“No, I’m not...”

Knock. Knock.

Right then, they heard a few knocks on the door, which interrupted Dolores. She pushed him, “Someone is at the door.”

Matthew released her, tidying up her wedding dress, kissed her on the forehead, and stood up to open the door.

Boyce was standing at the door. Seeing Matthew, he took a glance inside the lounge.


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