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Snare of Love novel Chapter 657

Theresa was a bit absent-minded. She felt a bit worried because Armand hadn’t shown up.

Dolores sat on the sofa, while Theresa kept silent, looking quite spiritless.

“You must be tired today.” Dolores poured a glass of water for her.

Theresa picked it up and took a sip. She answered, “Not really. I haven’t seen Armand. Has anything happened to him?”

She couldn’t hold back her worry but ask about his whereabouts.

Dolores looked at her. Obviously, Theresa still cared about Armand.

She poured a glass of water for herself and asked, “Why are you asking about him? Do you care about him?”

“No, I don’t,” Theresa denied immediately. She explained, “It’s your wedding today, but he hasn’t shown up at all. Is it normal?”

Dolores didn’t answer her immediately. She took a few sips of the water and said, “He’s been there all the time, but he didn’t show up in front of us.”

“Why not?” Theresa asked.

Dolores put down the water, looking at her in silence. Obviously, Theresa asked because she truly cared. It was her subconscious reaction, which couldn’t lie.

Soon, Theresa realized that she had reacted too obvious. She tried to explain but didn’t know how to achieve it. For a moment, she was in a panic.

Dolores glanced at the door and checked the time. She guessed that Matthew should have taken Armand to the lounge now.

She started to talk seriously, “Theresa, you do care about Armand.”

“No, I don’t,” Theresa said less confidently. Her voice was lower.

In the beginning, she tried to hold back her question because she was afraid that her thoughts would be exposed. However, Dolores still found it.

Dolores didn’t insist on asking her, giving her some time to relax.

In the room next door, Boyce asked Matthew to enter. He had found out the woman who sent the gift box, but he didn’t tell Dolores about her identity because it was a member form the Bailey family. To avoid worrying Dolores, he lied to her. After the wedding, he decided to tell Matthew.

Seeing Armand standing at the door of the lounge, Boyce asked, “Armand has been hiding in the wedding all the time. Why is he standing at the door of the lounge but not going in?”

Matthew sat on the sofa, looked up, and loosened his collar, “I did it intentionally.”

He lied to Armand that he wanted to talk to Armand, taking him to the lounge. At the door, they overheard the conversation between Dolores and Theresa.


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