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Snare of Love novel Chapter 661

Matthew was leaning against the wall, “You can do it yourself, but I won’t go out.”

Dolores glared at him, “You are trying to be a rascal now?”

Matthew chuckled, “Do I need to when being with you? No matter what I’m doing, it’s right and proper. For example, it’s legal for me to watch you bathe.”

“Shameless!” Dolores didn’t take off the last piece of her lingerie and soaked herself in the bathtub.

Matthew walked up to help her, “Slow down.”

There was water in the bathroom, so he was afraid that she would slip.

The water temperature was just right - not too hot or too cold. It was quite cozy to soak in the bathtub. Matthew had planned ahead, so her clothes were sent to the hotel.

After taking a bath, removing her makeup, and washing her hair, Dolores put on her red two-piece nightgown - a slip dress and a robe. She half-lay on the bed, and Matthew helped her dry the hair. Before it was done, she had fallen asleep.

Matthew heaved a sigh. When she was bathing, he felt something was in the air and she looked spirited at that time. After all, they should do something on their wedding night. However, much to his surprise, she had fallen asleep.

He believed that this must be a weird wedding night. If others knew it, they would remark that he was incapable in the bedroom.

Looking at Dolores’s peaceful sleeping face, he guessed probably just sleeping while holding her wasn’t bad at all.

Matthew had stopped all his work, so he didn’t need to get up early in the morning. He slept quite soundly as it was rare for him to take a rest.

When Dolores woke up the next morning, it was already past nine. The curtain blocked the sunlight, so it was dim in the room. She wasn’t woken up by the dazzling light at all. She wanted to move a bit, only to find that the man who was holding her was still sleeping tight. Usually, when she woke up before, he had already got up. Mostly, she always slept in. However, today, she woke up before he did, which was pretty rare.

His eyes were tightly closed. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, his broad chest heaving up and down regularly. In his arms, Dolores felt quite safe. She reached out to stroke his face and eyes. Matthew was pretty handsome. He looked extremely attractive when sleeping peacefully. She raised her chin and kissed his lips. When she was about to leave, the back of her head was pressed. Then she heard the deep and hoarse voice as he had just woken up, “You want to run away after secretly kissing me, huh?”

“What do you want then?” Dolores pouted. They were so close, so her lips fainted pecked on him when she was speaking.

Matthew turned to support himself above her. Brushing away the hair on her forehead, he asked, “Are you still exhausted?”

Dolores slept very well last night, so she shook her head, “No...”

Before she finished her words, her lips were sealed by his. He lifted her nightgown...

To avoid pressing her belly, he supported his body completely above her. Using the strength of his lower abdomen, he got in her and the two became one.

His attack made her feel a bit of pain at the beginning, but Dolores was used to it pretty soon. Then she felt quite cozy. Frowning slightly, she faintly opened her lips and slightly gasped.


Matthew restrained himself whenever he made love to Dolores since she had been pregnant, and so did he this time. However, comparing with what he was before, he almost lost control this time.

When it ended, Dolores was worn out. Lying on the bed, she didn’t want to move at all. She even couldn’t feel her legs.

She didn’t want to speak, either. All she could feel was wet and sticky. She didn’t want to clean herself at all, lying there motionlessly.

Matthew took a shower and put on clean clothes. He looked quite spirited.


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