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Snare of Love novel Chapter 679

Jasmine answered casually, “What’s the meaning of the future to me if I lost the one I love? Will I be able to have a happy life despite graduated university and having a good job?”

Boyce looked up at Jasmine. The sunlight shone from her back and she looked like a silhouette picture standing by the door.

He couldn’t see her expression. All he saw was a slim figure in front of him.

“Do you want to spend the rest of your life here?” he asked, clenching his fists.

Jasmine turned her body, facing him with her back, sat beside the door, and looked afar, “I’m not sure, perhaps I will marry someone and leave…”

“Who will you marry to?” Boyce interrupted suddenly.

‘She’s getting married? To whom? That guy?’

“Don’t get married.” He was stunned by his own words, what right did he have to stop her?

“I mean…” he tried to look for an excuse, “I mean you are still young.”

“I know, thank you for your concern, I’ll make my decision.” Jasmine rested her chin on her hands, “This is a good place, people here are nice and pure, it’s a peaceful place.”

Boyce was speechless.

“Will you get married?” Jasmine asked.

Boyce couldn’t see her face, just her back. “Yes,” he answered honestly.

Jasmine knew Boyce couldn't be single for life, he was such a good man that women liked. If he wasn’t this naïve in a romantic relationship, he could have been a husband or a father now. It pained her thinking about him getting married.

She wiped her tear off while she stroke her hair and asked in a low voice, “Not bad, with Wendy?”

Boyce lowered his gaze and said yes.

Jasmine clasped her hands, suppressing her tears, and then said in a calm voice, “That’s good, she has a good family background, pretty and about your age, she can even help with your career, both of you are a couple made in heaven, you’ll be happy.”

‘Happy?’ Boyce thought he was far from this word, he did not know the meaning of it.

“Do you think I’ll be happy?” Boyce asked.

Jasmine turned to him, “Are you showing off your happiness to me?”

‘He said he will marry Wendy but asked if he will be happy?”

Boyce smiled helplessly, "Do you think I'm showing off?" he continued, "Jasmine, I…"

'I'm not happy, it wasn’t loved that brought Wendy and him together,' he wanted to say this.

But their conversation was interrupted by a small kid.

“Ms. Burke…” A boy ran over.

“What happens, Kirk Lester?” Kirk Lester was a second-grade student.

“Chris fell and hurt his leg, he’s bleeding.”

“Where is he now?” Jasmine stood up at once.

“In the classroom.”

Jasmine hurried to the classroom. Chris was inside with his knee bleeding. Jasmine walked over and was startled by the opened wound on his knee.

“How did it happen?” Jasmine asked as she knelt.

“I fell on a rock during chicken fight game.” Chris was good academically but he was also mischievous. The chicken fight he mentioned was not fighting with real chicken but a kind of game the students played.

It could be individual or team where the player hopped around on one-foot tuck up using hands and try to knock their opponent over with the knee, the one that fell, or let go of the tucked leg lost.

It was a favorite game amongst the boys.

"Kirk, please bring my first aid kit." She prepared some basic medicine and medical tools at home knowing that the boys were naughty.

Kirk dashed out while Boyce followed and stopped at the window, looking inside.

The classroom was simple, the red paint on the desk was faded, and the floor was built with bricks. There was a huge blackboard at the front with a small wooden desk, the chalks and duster were neatly lined up.

Some kid decorated the room using a plastic bottle that was cut in half as a flower vase and put it on the front desk.


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