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Snare of Love novel Chapter 699

Boyce looked back and said, “It’s nothing, I will deal with it later. Jasmine, let’s go back.”

Jasmine was taken aback, but she quickly smiled and said, “I’ll listen to what you say.”

She got off Boyce’s back and stood up, “I’ll go pack. We need to say goodbye to the children. Ah, I’m actually here to ask to you come to have breakfast.”

Boyce stood up and put his phone in his pocket. He went back to the house with her.

When they got in the house, Jasmine said, “I will miss the children.”

“You can always come back to visit them,” said Boyce.

“Don’t forget that you promised to help them.”

Boyce answered, “I won’t.”

In City B…

Matthew wasn’t there anymore when Dolores woke up. Amanda was still asleep. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. As she walked down the stairs, she noticed that Matthew was still in the living room. She thought he was at the office already.

She went up to him and hugged his slender waist from behind, “You’re up early.”

Matthew put down the cup of water that he chugged, turned around and looked at her, “Why don’t you sleep more?”

Dolores stuck close to him and said, “I couldn’t sleep.”

Matthew glanced at Coral who was cleaning the drink cabinet. After making sure that she wouldn’t look over, he hugged Dolores in his arms and kissed her on the lips. Dolores backed off, she was afraid that Coral would see them.

Matthew didn’t let her escape; he grabbed the back of her head and pushed her towards himself.

Dolores knew that she couldn’t win against him, and hence she surrendered.

When Matthew finally let her go, she put her arms around his neck and wasn’t going to let go. She bit him on the shoulder through his pyjamas and put quite a bit of force into it. She knew that Coral was around, and Matthew wouldn’t dare to make any noises even when he felt pain.

She was content seeing Matthew’s face in pain while holding in his voice. She let go.

Matthew fixed his shirt and took a look at his shoulder. There was a bite mark and it was almost bleeding.

He blinked his eyes and asked, “Are you trying to kill me?”

Dolores didn’t believe him, “I didn’t bite that hard.”

“You wanted to bite harder than this?” Matthew couldn’t believe his ears, did she really want him to bleed?

Matthew seemed to really be in pain. Dolores reached out her hand and opened his collar. The bite mark on his shoulder was quite deep, and it was slightly bleeding. She didn’t know that she bit this hard.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I’ll go get some ointment…”

Matthew pulled her, “No need.”

Dolores didn’t intend to bite him that hard, she scolded herself for not controlling her strength, “Does it hurt…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take it as you are marking me. I will return the favor…”


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