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Snare of Love novel Chapter 703

Matthew walked out of the medical examination room and went to the end of the corridor to give a callback, the call was connected soon and Abbott also picked up the phone very soon.

“What happened?” Matthew asked.

“I’ve found out the things that you let me investigate.”

“Who was it?”

“Emma Bailey, Declan’s sixth older sister,” Abbott answered.

Matthew raised his eyebrows slightly, it seemed like he was not so surprised - he already had some guesses in his mind.

“Are you busy, Mr. Nelson? I wish to meet up with you.” Abbott stood in front of the window and said while looking at the scenery outside.

“What happened?”

Abbott said insistently, “I wish to meet up with you and talk to you in person.”

Matthew lifted his hand and glanced at the watch, and then he said, “I’m free only during the night.”

“Then let’s meet up at night, in my office at the company,” Abbott said.

Matthew realized that there was something wrong with Abbott’s tone of voice, he said, “I’ll be there at seven o’clock.”

He hung up the phone after saying.

He didn’t go back to the examination room immediately, he was thinking about why Abbott wanted to meet up with him?

Abbott was behaving unusually.

In the examination room…

Dolores Flores lowered her head and asked, “Is the baby healthy, doctor.”

The doctor nodded, “The child is growing very well and is well developed from all aspects, but…”

“But what?” Dolores became anxious suddenly. She was so afraid of the doctor talking in this way, saying that everything was fine at first, then followed by a comma.

“We’ll wait for Mr. Nelson to come back, then I’ll tell both of you in more detail, both of you need to decide on what should be done next,” the doctor said seriously.

Dolores frowned, it seemed like this was a serious thing listening to the way the doctor talked, she grabbed the doctor’s sleeve, “Can you please tell me first? If not, I can’t stop worrying.”

The doctor sighed when seeing that she was so anxious, “When you gave birth last time, did the doctor tell you not to give birth again?”

Dolores nodded; the doctor did tell her before that her body was injured.

“It’s true that you are not suitable to give birth anymore because your uterus lining has become very thin after giving birth last time. There won’t be any anomalies during the early stage of pregnancy, but as the amniotic fluid increases month by month and the fetus develops faster, the pressure exerted on your uterus will be greater, then you’ll be in danger. Now it is seven months, I suggest that you can have earlier labor induction or Cesarean delivery when it reaches seven and a half months, or the most is eight months.”

Dolores couldn’t accept it, “I, I’m not feeling unwell…”

The doctor said seriously, “When you start feeling unwell, you’ve already reached the limit. The medical technologies nowadays are very advanced, you don’t have to worry that the child can’t survive after being born. The child develops very well, there shall be no big problem, don’t worry too much.”

Dolores’s feeling became complicated in a sudden, for sure that a seven and a half months fetus hadn’t become mature yet.

“Doctor, I want to tell my husband by myself.” Dolores didn’t know how Matthew would feel when he heard of this news.

The doctor nodded, “Both of you should discuss first, but you must make a decision as soon as possible since it’s already seven months now.”

Dolores nodded, “We’ll discuss this properly…”

“What do we want to discuss properly?” Matthew heard of Dolores saying this when he came inside, so he continued her words and asked.

Dolores smiled immediately, “Nothing.” She held her womb and wanted to stand up, Matthew walked there and helped her, he asked, “Have you done the checking?”

Dolores nodded, “The doctor said that everything is fine.”

Matthew looked toward the doctor, it seemed like he was asking.


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