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Snare of Love novel Chapter 722

Jasmine went to the school to enroll today and met her former teacher. Her teacher was very happy to know that she could go back to continue studying.

She also decided to make the most out of this opportunity.

She wouldn’t be as impulsive as last time.

She didn’t have class today, so she came back. She just didn’t expect to see someone she had never met at the gate.

“You are…?”

Jasmine didn’t know Theresa Gordon, but Theresa saw her before.

She hadn’t seen her personally. She just saw Jasmine’s picture sent by Armand to her.

“Are you Boyce Shawn’s girlfriend?” Theresa was a little bit uncertain because Armand also sent her Wendy Miller’s picture before.

Jasmine unconsciously pulled the corner of her clothes, “Yes…”

“Do you know Jasmine?” Coral walked over and asked.

Theresa smiled and said, “This is my first time meeting her personally, but I’ve seen her photo before.”

“Who sent you the picture?” Jasmine was shocked.

She was curious because she had never seen Theresa.

Coral spoke for Theresa before she could speak, “She is Armand’s girlfriend.”

Jasmine suddenly realized, “Oh, hi.”

Theresa smiled back, “Hello.”

“Are you going out right now?” Jasmine asked.

Theresa nodded and said, “I was just about to go find your boyfriend Boyce to ask him something.”

Jasmine asked, “Are you going to ask him about Ms. Flores?”

Theresa paused for a while and nodded her head.

She had always called Dolores Flores by her name. She didn’t call her Ms. Flores like Armand did. That was why she didn’t realize that Jasmine was referring to Dolores at first.

“I know about it. Let’s talk inside,” Jasmine said.


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