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Snare of Love novel Chapter 752

Armand coughed lightly and jokingly in the direction of Boyce as he snickered, “A woman is better than you.”

Boyce shifted his body away from him as he complained, “You have some foul breath. Stay away from me.”

Armand glared at him, “You’re the one with the foul breath.” As he said that, he shot a wink at Jasmine which indicated him seeking approval on his opinion about Boyce’s bad breath from her.

Jasmine could feel her cheeks burning, “If you bully us now, I won’t say anything nice in front of your future girlfriend. We will even spout bad remarks about you and coerce her to part with you.”

Armand didn’t know what to say to that.

This hateful bitch!

Dolores laughed bitterly, “Armand, that’s enough. See, you’re embarrassing them.”

Armand sat down and picked up a pair of chopsticks, looking like he was about to begin his meal, “This is such a golden opportunity. Otherwise, once we pass this village, we won’t have any chance to see Boyce blushing anymore.”

“You’re the one who’s blushing here,” Boyce said awkwardly.

“Boyce, down that drink with Jasmine. You have to shut Armand up.” Dolores chipped in merrily.

Jasmine thought that Dolores would side with Boyce and her, but it turned out that she was siding with Armand now. Jasmine cooed coquettishly, “Lola, my sister-in-law, stop bullying us.”

“Hey, hey, you’re calling her so intimately now. Faster down this cross-cupped beer.” Armand once again tried to rile up the atmosphere.

Jasmine shot a death glare at Armand, “Of course I will follow Boyce’s way of addressing.”

Armand put up his hands innocently. Deep down, he was reluctant to watch Jasmine and Boyce showing their loveliness in front of him now. Damn it, his relationship was in jeopardy now, so he couldn’t bring himself to see another happy couple.

“Faster down it, you lot. It’s just a cross-cupped cup of beer. I’m not even asking you to toast to your love in front of us.”

Jasmine winked. What did he mean by a toast to our love?

Matthew warned, “Don’t go overboard.”

It was one thing to mess around, but it was another to go overboard.

Armand smiled wryly as he shoved a piece of rib-eye beef into his mouth. He swallowed it and commented, “This just happens to be a rare opportunity.”

Boyce picked up his chopsticks, wanting to dismiss the whole thing with the cross-cupped beer, but before he could pretend that nothing had happened and picked up a piece of duck blood, Matthew’s voice, “Don’t be so hasty. Finish that cup that Armand has poured for you first.”

Boyce was speechless at the moment.

Didn’t this episode just end?

He slowly looked up.

Dolores was covering a smile with her hand.

Armand let out a chuckle by the side, and Boyce immediately snapped his head at him, “What the hell are you laughing at?”

“Don’t spout rude words in front of your future wife.” Armand patted his chest and continued, “I won’t laugh anymore. Don’t you see that everyone is waiting for you guys to have a cross-cupped beer? You should be a man and stop fussing around like that. You’re not manly at all.”

Boyce let out a snort and raised a cup of beer. He then turned to look at Jasmine.

Jasmine reached out her hand cooperatively.

Boyce hooked his arm around hers awkwardly, and it was obvious the couple was embarrassed by this. However, due to the enticement of the others around them, they wouldn’t be able to just breeze through this without doing anything.

The three of them watched the couple finishing their cross-cupped beer, and Armand began clapping, “This is good enough…”

Boyce put down his cup and shot a glance at him, “Just you wait.”


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